Conversation Between SOLDIER #819 and Taco-Calamitous

100 Visitor Messages

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  1. I was gonna ask the same question Rocky asked. Reminds me of Major Armstrong.
  2. I'm talking to you on MSN! What do you know!
  3. Happy birthday, man! Holy crapper!
  4. I was hoping I'd be able to wish it all back.
  5. Because it recalls happy times that are no longer here.
  6. Why?
  7. This post is sad...
  8. Indeed, general.
  9. Both could be a problem, no?
  10. EVERYTHING! ...or maybe nothing...
  11. What'd I do!?
  12. What the HELL is WRONG WITH YOU?!!
  13. I transport PEOPLE!!
  14. So what do you transport?
  15. Just started a second job as a non-medical transport guy. Found out that Wednesday will be my first day by myself. I think my eyes went really wide or something, because she was like, "...can you do it?" And was like "Yeah..." Heh.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 100
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