Conversation Between Djinn and OceanEyes28

83 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy Birthday, you old fart

  2. Silly is being nice i think XD. And putting off work? You sound like me!

    How did your play go?
  3. Haha you're silly. Yes, I am all better. Still have a little bit of leftover throat clearing, but other than that, things are good. Which is nice, because now I have to catch up on all the work I put off. Ha!
  4. You best be fully recovered now or i'll kick someone's ass!

    Edit: Excuse drunk Andy's random outbursts I don't even remember turning my PC on to be honest =p
  5. It's a wonder drug i like to call Tripotassium-Rubidium Uranyl-Thallium Hexafluoride

    Does exactly what it says on the tin! XD
  6. Hahaha hordes? I want what you're smoking.
  7. You need more time off imo , or a different timezone
  8. Fear not! lolcats are here!

  9. Boo classes How have you been?
  10. I have classes when you're awake. Durp.
  11. Hello stranger
  12. Andy!
  13. Happy New Year

  14. Hope you have a good day
  15. Sorry about last night haha, my internet is sort of fixed now XD. Hope you had a good night
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 83
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