Conversation Between JillXWesker and Xanatos

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  1. Can't say I have, though I already had few recommendations regarding the game, few folks here speak highly about it, but unfortunately I never got around to play it.
  2. Hey Xanatos! Have you ever played Fatal Frame?
  3. I'll try my best... xD And... I'll try RE4, and RE2 I guess =/
  4. Which ever version is easier to you, I don't want you to go through all that trouble for me, though Ada from RE 4 looks really awesome.
  5. I forgot to add in my reply on my Art thread, What version of Ada? Heh... Like RE2, or RE4... You know xD
  6. I never had a N64... I don't believe I did xD.
    I'll have to read your comment, it's okay if its harsh, because your my friend. I only get pissed if it's someone I don't know, and they get a like... Yeah. I'm not in the best of moods today, so yeah xD. I'll have to search for your thread real quick.
  7. What can I say, I'm an old school guy. I intend to purchase SNES and N64 as you can get them really cheap here where I live, I guess some people don't realize how much do they really worth.

    Yep, I saw your thread, since you've put an effort into that drawing, leaving a comment is least I could do, I hope I wasn't harsh, sometimes I can be like that without even realizing. I'm glad you decided to make your own art thread as I appreciate and kind of art, really, I even have my own thread somewhere there, it's pretty old though, I usually draw original anime characters (more or less), I even work on my own manga, but I haven't upload any images for quite some time now, maybe I should one of these days.
  8. Oh... heh heh. You have alot of old consoles, I have a Nintendo, Genisis, and Super Nintendo (Forgot to add them xD) Did you see my Art thread? I was messing around of MSpaint, and drew a cartoon Jill Valentine. It's really bad, and I just made an Updated version of it =P.
  9. It seems you have all planed out. Yep, I'll get it for free, though I never asked for it nor am I particularly hyped about it. Well, now that I though about it, pretty much every console I own or used to were presents, the only consoles I bought with my own money are NES and my personal favorite PS One.

    Right now I have a broken NES, a broken PS One and a working one, a PS2 which I borrowed to my uncle (I highly doubt I'll see it anytime soon), GB, GBC and PSP. Not really a new gen consoles but then again I'm more fan of the older games. Sill, PC beats all of them.
  10. I'll need a long extension cord! But I can take the winter. I have my fuzzy blanket, and ten pillows! Your welcome, even though I haven't played Zero xD.
    Free? I want a free PS3 xD!! Nope. I got a Xbox 360 xD... I'm guessing you have a PC, PS2, and a... Old gaming console xD?
  11. But winters would be harsh, unless of course you install a heating system under that rock. My knowledge about Zero and REmake is very limited, I guess I should be thankful for having a RE fan wiling to explain some things, of course I could inform myself via internet, but I'm quite a lazy person.

    Not just Wii, I don't have any of the new gen. consoles, though I'll be getting XBox 360 sometime this fall. I would prefer PS3 but I'll get it for free so I can't complain. I'll take a shoot at it, I guess you're missing a XBox 360, I don't know, I guess you don't seem like an X Box owner. Now it's your turn, guess how many consoles I have all together (hint: not many)?
  12. Oh really! heh heh ^^. I total would buy a rock, just to live under it! SUMMER VACATION UNDER A ROCK PARTY!!! Lol. I'm not that into Inuyasha... I have seen Fullmetal Alchemist, but not the Manga =/ Yes, both were for GAMECUBE oringinaly, but zero had a beta PS1 version. Which was kind of odd... Rebecca looked just like Jill in RE1, but had a white beret instead of blue, and her normal medic outfit. Not everyone has a Wii... I just need one more to complete my collections of next gene consoles... MWAHAHAH!! Do you know what that one is? =3
  13. Actually I've heard about Warcraft manga, I have a friend who's obsessed with Warcraft, he usually informs me about anything related to Warcraft, it's not like I care, but what you're gonna do...I think he'll die of happiness when the movie finally comes out. As for Inuyasha, I'm one of the rare ones who haven't seen it yet, somehow I don't find it appealing, my brother would kick my ass if he heard me saying this. My favorite manga would be FullMetal Alchemist, I'm sure you heard of it, if not, under which stone do you live.

    I thought both games were for GameCube, actually I'm pretty sure they are. Though I did a little research and it seems Archive is a remake of both games for Nitendo Wii, I honestly didn't know that, but then again I usually don't catch up with anything related to Wii since I don't have one. No other choice then to buy the Gamecube versions.
  14. heh... I like Shonen-Jump, so thats why a watch it xD Naruto was my first Anime. Bleach is... Bleh... Haven't watched it that much. But my Friend, Cassie, loves Inyuasha (Spelled it wrong?) and if I say it wrong, she slaps me across the face with a ruler xD Not really... But yeah. Love Fruits Baskets! I've only read two mangas that you probably havent heard of. One is Warcraft (Yes.. They have a manga) And Warriors, which is my favorite book series.
    Nope. Not on gamecube, I have RE archives. Which can either be Zero, or REmake, but I got the REmake version. It supposibly has more add-ons then REmake. And REmake has 75% more add-ons then the original. It has two new outfits, new rooms, better graphics of course! ...OH! AND CRIMSON HEADS!!!
  15. I avoid both Naruto and Bleach, Bleach because I don't like it and Naruto because of all those fillers. Reading manga proved to be better solution in both cases, though I still don't like Bleach. Fruits Basket is awesome, one of my favorite anime series, I watched it countless times, you should read manga if you haven't so far, it's different, better imo, it certainly has a better ending.

    That's the one on GameCube, right? I always wanted to play it, but unfortunately I never had a GameCube, though my PC is capable of emulating the GC on full speed so I just might buy it one of these days. Except for better graphics, does it have any extras, how much it's different from original
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