Conversation Between Ann and Diyala

51 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh that's too bad then you missed the nost exciting part , I only watched it for once and now I'm playing the game over again , just everything seemed as If i I've seen it for the first time ^_^ besides the time by which I played it my language was not as acceptable as now so I got now everything concerning the story
  2. Yeah, me too. The ending is so memorable.. But I had a clumsy moment in that part. My dvd game got stuck and I missed the scene where Tidus jumps out from airship. I also missed the ending credits. Geez..
  3. haha thanks
    I love the part where Tidus was taken to another world , Yuna trying to be helpful to get rid of sin
    I feel sorry for Tidus and his father , Final Fantasy X is associated with unforgettable memories stuck in my mind forever ...hmmm I smell flowery breeze ..just remembering those days
  4. Hihi wow you must be very diligent student lol
    By the way.. Which FF series you like most?
  5. hahaha no they used to me doing that but If I were late after the lecture started they would miss me coz missing lectures is what I hate the most ^_^
    I try to be ON Time to save my dignity
  6. Haha it was good.. Great score please come to mama~
    Wow cool was there no one considered that you was missing in time?
  7. Oh It's ok ...sorry If I know you had an exam I would have waited hehe ,then how did u do in your exam ? hope great ^_^
    My day today is alittle bit funny , coz of the long lectures I went out somewhere wehre there is no one around , looked for shadow and put my bag on the grass and layed my head upon it , I really felt I want to stretch my body my back hurts but it was awesome nap really hahah with birds around and so calm place till the time of lecture comes ^_^
  8. Well.. sometimes school and work force us to keep our eyes open.. But my teacher in class said that genius people only sleep for less than 5 hours per day lol
    How's your day, Himi? Sorry for the late reply, I had an examination on these two days so I had no enough spare time to check TFF..
  9. Yeah I'm ready to talk now hahah got enough sleeping though I only sleep after class 4 hours think that's not enough
  10. I'm looking forward for high school's life! And you're right, just enjoy things that God had given to us now and walk on it happily
    Okay then, you must be tired
  11. so you will be high school girl , lots of beautiful days is waiting for you as I suppose so enjoy them coz once a moment passes it would never come back again right !
    now I need to rest talk to you later darling ^_^
  12. Not much I prefer high school , hmmmmmmmm if I could just go back to those days >>> hahahaha it feels like I'm old women (Obasa)
  13. Haha same here lol
    Wow I'm sure college's life is hard, but at least you're still having fun there, aren't you? Well.. I'm going to have national examination next month. I will graduate from junior-high on July..
  14. aha Yeeeeeeeeas you're right I love to know more about you , hmm I've just come back home it was hard day in college what about you ?
  15. Yap, I live in Indonesia. I'm very happy to meet another muslim here on TFF! And we're love Final Fantasy, too
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 51
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