Conversation Between shinra_32 and Ethan Blitzball King

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. Don't blame you! I just had someone try to break into my apartment through the attic. I went to pick up dinner and I come back and I hear stuff in the closet and someone was trying to get through the attic. They ran for it and it too the cops 30 mins to get here.
  2. I have no idea but I got mad and went home
  3. Why did they yell at you?
  4. I just got yelled at alot
  5. What happened?
  6. Could've been better I think
  7. Work sucked like always. How was your day?
  8. Wow I never would have guessed
  9. Yeah, it's kinda sad. That game is really addicting...
  10. Hahaha wow talk about addicted
  11. I can't believe I just spent 6 hours playing Burnout.
  12. Hahaha well I got some stuff to do tomorrow
  13. That does suck. I'm not really looking forward to work tomorrow.
  14. The crappiest thing now is I gotta go to work today
  15. Ugh work sucks...
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 58
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