Conversation Between Oneesan and Judge Magistrate

420 Visitor Messages

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  1. LMAO!!! ^_^

    *huggles* Good night, Will and sleep well. Love you too!! ttyl
  2. Definitely, they would have to or there would be some mental casualties. I've got to go for the night Angela, I'll talk to you tomorrow, love you *hug*.
  3. They would probably end up giving us our own floor!
  4. Me to, but are you sure that any asylum would want us. We might drive the whole building insane lol.
  5. Whoohoo!!! Sounds like a plan.

    I just hope we get locked up in the same asylum when they finally catch up to us. o.o lol
  6. YES, you, me, and Haylee shall take the world by storm. We shall be weird, random, and a litle bit crazy together.
  7. Right on!!

    Weird, random, and a little bit crazy... proud of it too!! ^_^ lol
  8. You and me both just need to keep doing what we do. That way both of us can be a good example for everyone else.
  9. And until that day, just keep doing what you've been doing. Someone may learn from your example one of these days.
  10. I wait for that day to come when no one is afraid to be themselves.
  11. It sucks that anyone would feel the need to do something like that. Society puts entirely too much pressure on people to be this or that these days. Maybe one day people will be accepted as they are. We can all hope so anyways.
  12. Yes, I completely agree, and it only makes them look foolish.
  13. Exactly!! It would be wonderful if more people were like that. No one should ever feel the need to pretend they are something they're not. It's just sad.
  14. I try not to hide the real me, otherwise people get a false perception of who I am.
  15. I've known very few guys that will admit they are sappy. Those are always the best friends. Every one is a bit sappy though, and only the honest people admit it. *nods*

    Not at all, thank you for the compliment.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 420
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