Conversation Between che and Pete

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. beer tonight?
  2. Of cos
  3. i like attention, do you like attention?
  4. hahahaha
  5. oh GOODNESS
  6. It's not an invitation... but maybe for you
  7. balls are touching in your avatar!
  8. I'm afraid of which one I'm supposed to be in your pic
  9. Nah, I quit after 6. Had work in the morning
  10. Still rollin?
  11. OH SHIT should i JOIN YOU later?
  12. I'm four deep and buzzed.

    Drunk: the time between work and dinner.
  13. totally whipped bro! jk have fun
  14. Sorry man, I'm with the woman tonight, but I may be free tomorrow
  15. you got time Friday (11/12) for this beer-off? Just wondering! We should totally do it
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 59
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