Conversation Between Assassin and Oneesan

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm sure that it will!

    I am absolutely terrible with maths!! They never liked me much and the feeling is definitely mutual!
  2. Well i hope it gets better soon.

    Schools going good, but maths is just driving me mad coz we have to do so much work regarding maths.
  3. My connection has anger management issues so I always get stuck on the home page (which is FB) and aren't able to load anything else. I never had this issue before. Our provider is working hard to fix the problem though, and they said it should be back up really soon.

    How is school going for you?
  4. I know how u feel. Before this weekend, i was so busy at school that i wouldn't get the time to log in n that would annoy me sooooooo much.
  5. Aww... I missed you too! I have been going crazy not being able to log in. I used to spend WAY too much time here though. lol
  6. I hope so.

    I miss my first friend on TFF (Just to let u know, that's u).
  7. I will probably be on more in about a week, so we will get the chance to chat again soon. Take care and have a good one!
  8. Yeah m doing good. You have no idea how happy n surprised i was when i saw that you had replied. You take care too n don't worry, we'll talk as soon as you get the time.
  9. I am doing well, thank you. Things have been crazy around here though and I haven't been able to log in. I hope you are doing well, and I will try to check in more often if I can. Take care!!!
  10. Hey just wanted to ask "How r u". Its been a long time so i thought to check if you were ok. Hope your fine. I know your really buzy n i feel sorry for u,Well if u get some time just reply if you can. Have a good day,
  11. I have been good thanks! I hope you are doing well too. I am going to have a hard time logging in for a few weeks since we have houseguests, but I should be back at it in no time at all.
  12. Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to know that how u"ve been coz itz been a long time since v talked ...........
  13. You too, talk to you later...
  14. Ok gotta go..... So bye n TC
  15. Not exactly, I just know how you feel
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 63
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