Conversation Between Fate and Phantom

116 Visitor Messages

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  1. Makes it the perfect occupation for me!

    As for you, go be in theaters as "The Phantom of the Opera!"
  2. lol how could I not?
  3. Remember what my first username was? *hint hint*
  4. lol not the profession I would want to do but hey whatever floats your boat lol
  5. Of course, I should pick an occupation that sets me for life in a few years! Such as... a thief!^^
  6. lol that's up to you, you can be anything you want to be
  7. I wonder what I should be in 7 years?^^
  8. I just started
  9. Make much money? (HEY! Alliteration!)
  10. I'm a housekeeper for a Bed and Breakfast
  11. That's too bad, but good luck on your new job! What do you do for your job?
  12. I'm doing fine thanks, I got a new job so I haven't been on to much
  13. Haven't talked to you in a while, Bro! How are you?^^
  14. I will! Besides, only if someone really pisses me off do I start yelling at them. Hell, if I start, I don;t even care if I get warnings!

    BTW - Smart on making the text yellow instead. I couldn't even see the black yesterday!
  15. Don't get acustomed to it through, sometimes it could erupt into a flaming so be careful what you say.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 116
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