Conversation Between Catalana and Cyanist

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  1. Trust me, you DON"T want it curly. (though it is manageable if I keep it up.)

    I like good lyrics too! (I've actually considered making lyrics, but I haven't done anything yet...) FF music, too, I used Cid's theme for the background of my little Dragonball movie I made. Esmeralda taught me how to post it on Youtube yesterday. It's had three views so far (I'm so popular XP) Yeah, that is from Rocky. I think it's good stuff, but Esmeralda, who'd never watched the films, thought it sounded old and cheesy, so now I wonder if what I really like is the music, or what it represents?

    What is the joie de vivre??? (I love learning) You guys have so much fun it makes me envious-ish. My favorite little brother has been asleep all day (he was probably up late last night working on a new invention), so I've been bored and lonely. I wish I also had a friend who changed colors.

    Chocolate croissant! The very name makes my mouth water! I haven't tried that. Sweets for breakfast?!?! The scandal!

    Okay, but it'll be difficult traveling far distances in the cold. What if our wings freeze?

    Oh, alright, you've twisted my arm. I'll inform you when I post it.

    You're right, French people strike me as untouchable as well. He wouldn't dare make further complaints after that.

    Yeah, okay! I would totally PM him on how far out of line he was for asking, but I'm also supposed to come up with a tattoo idea for him, and that, I want to do.

    My brother is watching "Pirates of the Caribbean: At world's end" Those suspected pirates are singing, it's very stirring.
  2. Yeah very weird ... the other students will look at me with an odd gaze lol xD I will try ! ;P

    Haaa your hair is wild and mine is so obedient ... but I want it curly >.<

    I prefer listening to rock and all songs that make me moving xD And the songs that I think have beautiful lyrics are okay for me too. And yeah me too sometimes I listen to movies' OST but I prefer after all FF ost xP I even put them like ringtone for calls and text messages ( FF7 fanfare ... ahhh I feel like a winner when I receive a text message and it makes my friends laugh a lot ! )
    Haaa Rocky ... there is " Eyes of the tiger " in no ? I love this ost <3

    Lol we got with my friend sunburnt because we both have a fair skin --' She was redder than me hé hé !!!
    With our water bombs we just touched a guy ( a friend ) and after he was unhappy during all the walk : we were " Hey ! You smell the joie de vivre !!! We can read it one your face " he was " Ha ha ha not funny " xD He loves us !

    French pastries are very good There are so many of them ^^' ha ha Try once the chocolate croissant ( Perhaps you have already eaten it ) : that's my favorite => simple but very flavorful ! Very good for breakfast !

    Yeah ! We will have for sure the more beautiful wings of the entire world !!!! Everyone will become jealous of our wings !

    Oh yeah try a beautiful drawing I want to see it when you will finish it okay ?

    In the worst case, if he annoys you you can tell him that it's because of me that you don't want to draw it ! I am untouchable ( pffffffffffffffff xDDD ) ...
    And don't worry after all it's you who draw so if you don't want to do it this way ... he doesn't have the right to lead your thought and force you to draw something that you don't want especially ! Believe me
  3. Aw, I don't think walkie-talkies warrant mental homes... but, it would be weird.

    hahahaha, yeah, my hair is really stubborn and hard to work with.

    Um, I'm not sure but there's something about mama's spaghetti, I'm not a big fan of the rap. I usually like listening to movie soundtracks like "Rocky", "Kung fu Panda" and the like.

    That sounds like a fun day. I've never made four bombs. I'm more of a mud-ball person. I hardly go out nowadays cuz it's soo hot.

    I should check out some French pastries. I can't say I love food without trying new stuff every once in a while.

    Pearls on wings? ooooooo! I haven't considered the decoration customizations. Theys endless!

    Ah, you don't have to give me polishes, I have a sensitive sense of smell. I get dizzy with air-fresheners and the like, I don't know how polish will affect me. XP But I love mixing colors. I should get some paints and do a drawing with them. That would be cool.

    Well, yeah, actually, I'd already been working on a Tifa drawing when he contacted me, so I don't owe him anything, But I'm always aiming to please others, so I was kinda torn on this one. Thanks for the advice! Now I can ignore his request without feeling guilty
  4. Yeah ... my teachers will think that I'm crazy : I will come to my High School with binoculars and walkies-talkie and I will begin to talk to myself xD Ha ha They will bring me to a mental home after that !
    lol Jackson's five hair ??? Ha ha I'm joking ! I would love to have curly hair ... but mine are smooth --' And I didn't cut them for one year I think !
    Yes ! It's for her She is so funny xD We are like childish twin when we are together ... always doing anything and nothing xP She is really talented ! I'm sure you are too !
    Oh I'm listening to all musics but I prefer rock hé hé But yes I know eminem of course he is well-known here ! What Eminem's song does she is practicing ? ^^
    Lol I'm always laughing ... even if i'm tired or other ! A day without laughing or smiling isn't a good day for me ! I have to have fun ! Today I hang around with friends and we went to a wood where there are odd men ... guys had knife for defend us and me and my friend tried to make some water bombs and flour bombs : EPIC fails xD It didn't work at all ...
    I'm happy for you too because I never laugh a lot with my little siblings ! You are lucky ^^
    Yeah but a doughnut still a doughnut ha ha I am a glutton ! I will buy fresh one to you ! and buy croissants, pains au chocolat, praline and all the French pastry
    Yeahhh good mother ! Mine I will put some decoration on it xP pearls ...
    If I see you I will give you nail-polishes : I have so many and all colors ! Little gift
    I try all the mixing of colors ! To see the result !
    I think you don't have to do a naughty drawing of Tifa : if you want to do an innocent one do it ^^ He doesn't have the right to blame you for that ! And yes you can post it up normally for sharing your talent with everybody here I would be happy to see a drawing of tifa made by you ! And if you want to mention his name after all why not ! If he didn't send you this PM, had you ever though about drawing one ? ^^
    Don't worry : do what you want ! That's your drawing !
  5. Now that would explain his platter-holding issues. Too bad you can't somehow use this to your advantage. I'm sorry, you'll just have to study like everyone else. (too bad) XD

    Wow, that long? I've never cut my hair either, but it's curly, so it always looks shoulder-length unless I comb it out, but then it frizzes and poufs out like a clown's hair.

    Is that the same friend you're writing the scripts for? She sounds gifted. I'm sure your combined minds will make for the awesomest project.

    Uh, I don't know if you've heard it, do the French know Eminem? What kind of music DO you listen to?

    It's nice to have people who you can joke with. I'm so happy for you . I usually joke around with my brothers. They are really funny, they even laugh at themselves sometimes. LOL

    The bear might not show up, though, in that case, we should probably eat them, but I'm concerned they might get stale on the long journey.
    The trouble I could see with having wings, would be the space issue. I'm already finding it difficult to squeeze past people in the tiny doorways in my house. But otherwise, I'd enjoy keeping my wings clean and when threatened, I could flap them like those mother ducks defending their babies (or something) XD

    Ooooh glitter. I'd forgotten about the extra details people can do with nail polishes. like the multi-colors and flames and what-not. Sounds like you got some color coordination skillz, I'm envious. XD

    Hmm, you've visited my drawing thread, so I was wondering if I could have your opinion on something. Okay, I requested ideas for what to draw next and later that day, I got a PM from a male user on these forums. He said wants a naughty drawing of Tifa. I'm kind of wondering if what exactly it is he wants, cuz I'm not into drawing indecent stuffz. And if I make an innocent drawing, as per usual, would I PM that to him, or should I post that up normally? Should I mention his name when I do so, or just leave it as an anonymous request? I'm kind of stumped.
  6. I don't know ... perhaps he is showing-off in front of his wife ( who works with him xP ) !
    A little like Sephiroth yeah xD But his is shorter !!!! Yeah Of course he was joking because I hate when someone tries to cut my hair off ( like the hairdressers ) .... mine is long until my lower back
    Two movies ?!? Yeahhhh ! Bien joué ! ^^ I have a friend who is specialized in this kind of things on computer ... when we had to make a movie for a Spanish homework, she did all the special effects : she is very talented for that Moreover, she wants to work in that after when she will be older
    Ahhh rap song ? Isn't it difficult ? What is the rap song ? ( I wonder if I know it ... ô.O lol )
    Cloud 745 ... he is on this website ^^ I talk a lot with him and sometimes we are saying bullshits ... normal ! And he told me something like that with cops and doughnuts xD haha
    Yeah right, the bear would surely prefer !!!!
    I might like them too !!! I would love flying over my town and all xD and after crushing myself in a window because I would be a stupid human-bird !
    Thank you In fact, it becomes an habit : every week ( the Wednesday and the Sunday ) I put a new polish on my nails ( new color ) with glitter or no it depends.
    Now it's night-blue with little yellow dots and blue glitter ! Haaaa lol
    My favorite color is blue and sometimes purple and yeah ! Always choosing one at random and after according other colors with the one chosen ^^
    And yeah sometimes I love putting a flashy color ... otherwise sometimes I prefer the good old red
  7. That's a weird way to hold a platter. Why not both hands? Was he trying to keep the other free?

    Your uncle has white hair now? Like Sephiroth? (or does he have silver? Either way, that's cool) Hahaha, cut your hair off. He was joking, right?
    I love music, but I don't play anything. That kind of annoys me. Well, at least I can mix whatever I already have. I have a "music maker" game for my PS2. Also, I just learned how to use the windows movie maker on my computer. I am sooo loving it. I've made two movies already! XD
    Um... She's trying to learn how to play a rap song now... I'm not really sure what her style is.
    The doughnuts may enrage them, actually. I think you should save those for the bear. Who is cloud745? Sounds cool.
    Hey, that's an idea! If you had the option of getting wings, would you? I think I might like them.
    Wow, you must really like polish! I think it's amazing you kept it up that long! Well done!
    What's your favorite color? Do you change it according to mood?
  8. Like he explained us in classroom, he held his platter in a way that his hands is positioned under the center of gravity of the platter ... it's odd lol I'm always thinking about my lesson when I see him holding it like that xD
    My uncle came only once this years --' I miss him so much ! But I saw a pic of him I was dead laughing : he becomes to have white hair ! When I call him, I was laughing at him he was " Stop Yaya or I cut yours " then I shut up lol
    Why ? I'm sure your name is cool !!!! Thank you ^^
    Yeah ... I always wanted to play to one musical instrument ... but never did T.T So when I hear someone playing to the piano or guitar I am always O.O If she is playing very well, she can try Hope's theme from FF XIII ... it's only guitar and I enjoy it.
    She can try to play in an orchestra !
    lol I thought about that ... I will make a deal with them : I will give them doughnut ! Like that they will let me pass borders ha ha haaaaaaaa x) ( dedicating to Cloud745 lol )
    The whole way ?!? Why not ! After all we can't fly ... we don't have wings ... yet !!! ( with the yet ... I look like a cray woman )
    Ah yeah ! Bear --' I forgot them ... I will kill them with my water guns !!! Almost ...
    Yeah All my friend never saw me without nail polishes this year ... always putting some on my nails ! Never go outside without I made a record !!!! :}
  9. Ah, yes, well if I hadn't learned all the material beforehand, I suppose I wouldn't have time to do such silly things.
    In what odd way does he hold his platter?
    Yeah! My uncle has only visited twice in the last decade and he only stayed for a couple hours each time! WHY is he so nice?
    Yeah, I like her name too. It's not as boring as mine, I like yours more, though. Yaya is so original.
    Esmeralda is playing her guitar now. She says she sounds horrible and needs to practice for some band some guy is bringing together. I don't think she'll be making much money off this (at least not at first) but I'm happy she's doing SOMETHING.
    Eee, I don't think the authorities will let you pass borders with a stolen car... hehe. But I, too, will probably need transportation, now I think about it. My brain just suggested I walk the whole way - that insane, isn't it?
    I'm not overweight or anything, but I'm planning to start working out again. I also think it would be a good idea to take some self-defense class and maybe a survival course for the trip. (just in case we run into bears up there)
    I'm glad she hasn't gone goth. Not that I mind that, but it really doesn't suit her, you know? She's so cute just being her.
  10. Ahhh OMG that's impossible ! I have a moutain of lessons and exercices --' Tireeeddd ...
    Ah yeah ... but me I notice only the useless details -_-' lol Like my Physics teacher bears his meal platter in a odd way : it will never help me in classes or during exams xD
    I have a cool uncle <3 I love him sooooo but I see him only twice a year unfortunately T.T It's my fiancé ! Nobody touch him !!!! è.é lmao
    Your uncle seems very very nice ! He really likes you ! Esmeralda ? Wahou ! I love this name ! I was fond of this name 3 years ago ( I wanted to call my daughter [ if I would have one of course ] like that ! ) ahhh now it's not my favorite but I love it so !
    She will sell little cake in neighbourood but I don't now if she can collect all the money with only cakes >< She can try little by little.
    Yeah ! A trip in a cold place :3 I will steal a car and hop-là ! Go to Siberia ( and Russia yeah yeah yeah !!! )
    Oh I have all colour ! Now I'm wearing pink and red nail polishes ^^ I have black, green, grey, etc ... all colour ( I have 63 ) xD Black is nice sometimes Don't worry : she's not becoming goth or other things :] I often put some black on my nail : I'm not goth hé hé !
  11. I know I shouldn't try, but I know I'll do it again with whoever I consider to be my mentor. It's my thing, I study people's habits and quirks and if possible, I take advantage of those. Such as my last teacher, she had this weird thing where she could only focus on one thing at a time, (my mom has that too) so, if she's talking to another student, I could use that time to goof off... or something...
    Yeah! for REAL! Fortunately, we have a rich uncle, who has opted to pay the bill. (He's the sweetest, most awesome relative ever) Of course, Esmeralda, my little sister, insists that she's going to pay back every cent. (I have no idea how she's going to do it, but at least there's no more interest accrued *phew* I can relax again.)
    I wouldn't even consider sunbathing, I'm so sensitive. If I stand for more than a minute, I start seeing hot red and then everything turns electric green and then things start to get dark. So, I'm always running for shade. *I soo do not belong in California. I was born in a very cold climate, I wonder if that's the reason... hmm.*
    Okay, you can come with. I will begin knitting booties and hats for the trip
    Yes, it is my laptop (well, other people use it, but they know they'll have me to deal with if they mistreat it in any way.)
    The other day, Esmeralda had black nail polish on. I can see why one would choose pink, but BLACK? that's so scary!
  12. I ended to think that I can perhaps understand them long time ago now ... lol $ 1,900.00 ??? Real ??? O.O Nooo that's not possible ! C'est dégueulasse ! I feel sorry for your little sister ... pff I'm not surprised that she is very depressed ... I would surely be me too !
    I'm like a vampire : no sun !!! xD Ha ha I have a very fair skin so when I try to sunbathe ... I get sunburned ... --' a make-up saleswoman said to me that I have a " Japanese " or a " Russian " skin hé hé Yeah I'm an alive dead body ( paradox >< ) ! Okay wait for me ! I will go with you live in Alaska ! Me too I use a laptop and like you nobody except me can use it ! It's mine !!!! lol And I am an very awkward girl so I'm scary when I put nail-polishes of spill it on other things but it's okay I am very careful with this !
  13. Teachers. *ooph* I used to try to imitate their personalities in order to understand and befriend them better, but it never worked, i should have used the time on my studies.

    Well, a couple different things. My sweet little sister was scammed on the internet. I think it came down to $1,900.00. She's pretty depressed about it, poor thing, her faith in the human race has diminished an awful lot, I'm very concerned about her. I mean, who'd want to steal from such a cute little girl? Something else is also bothering me, but I should probably save that for another time.

    Oh, I cannot STAND heat. Whenever I go out in the sun I get really whoosy. I honestly think I was meant to live in Alaska or something, where it's always cold, I'd also heard people make a lot of money over there, so that would be two of my favorite things XD. Pale like dead bodies? Whoa, that's creepy ^_^

    I'm using a laptop, but because of my fear of liquids being spilled, I never allow anyone to move it, so it might as well be immobile. Maybe I should get the Makita and screw it to the table... :/
  14. Oh nothing ... except all the ****** tests that my teachers love giving to me ... So unlucky
    Nasty family issues ? What happened ?
    Oh here too xP I'm now always thirsty and red like a tomato ( In the beginning I have a fair skin like the dead bodies xP lol ) Ahhh Good for you ! I hope mine will not play fool to me ! ( It loves it ... bad pc ... lmao ) ^^
  15. Great to hear from you! I take vacations all the time.
    What's up: I got some nasty family issues, but I think I'll survive. :\
    The weather is becoming very hot here. I'm so glad I had my computer moved to a cooler location, now I'm not afraid it'll over-heat anymore.
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