Conversation Between pixergirl and Cyanist

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm addicted to finishing games, so I don't have that problem, you should see somebody about that.

    Actually, your right, I never DID finish watching it before, but I did just now and I lovez it even MORE! The story immediately endears you to the main character by means of a
    how dare you peek?!?!?!?
    Anyway. It's all cool, you should watch it.

    I am wondering if the sharpness of joints makes them more lethal...

    By storm? Ooogh, the unfairness! Chaos? Just what are you planning exactly? You aren't leaving? But Mary Poppins and nanny Mcphee BOTH leave! That's twice in a row!

    Gregory House? Yeah, he still holds the position. But would you rather be House or one of his lackys who are always wrong?

    Random fact: Now I want one! Argh, the subliminal message is so loud. There's something really smelly over here. I'd better locate and destroy it.
  2. it went well. although i'm not completely sure since i haven't played it since i transferred back to psp again...i'm terrible that way, always forgetting to finish things...
    What? you mean you watched it and then you forgot what it was about? or could it be that you never FINISHED watching it to begin with? meh. idk.
    yes. eyepatch guy. vaguely remember elbowing. he must be very banged up: my elbows are pretty sharp O-O
    yeah. well i kinda thought i'd take the place by storm instead. like mary poppins or nanny mcphee or something, breezing in out of nowhere and just creating all kinds of chaos and whatnot before mysteriously disappearing again (not that i intend to disappear or anything, but just sayin')
    i don't want the occupation of Perfect Rudeness. It would be too difficult for me. now who has that job at the moment? Gregory House was it?
    Random fact: I has a cherry flavored lollipop an' it tastez goooood @_@
  3. Oh, yeah, that FF8 incident! How could I forget that... How did that go btw?
    Actually, I haven't watched it recently either, I plan to (woe is me. I'z ALWAYS planning, never doing).
    I can't remember if it was traumatic... Okay, never mind.
    The guy with the eye patch? Is he the one you so ungracefully elbowed?
    Of course you have to introduce yourself, it's perfectly rude not to! And only certain people get to be PERFECTLY rude, no matter how many of us want the job.
    Random fact: *whimper* I want a doughnut.
  4. introduce myself? do i haaaaaave to?? (finez, i'll do it)
    Random fact: I'm eating a gigantic oatmeal cookie... ,.;^_^.,'
  5. I'm here just cuz! so there! I am playing FF8 fyi, or don't you recall my earlier pleas for help at the ridonkulous train heist part?
    I tried to watch that movie actually, but it was sooo long, and i happened to be checking my email at the same time, so not much of it registered. it seemed very dramatic tho. possibly traumatic too...
    "I-i don't know. i don't think i'm injured but i think that guy over there with the eyepatch might have gotten a little banged up...."
  6. I is sooo excited you're here. Okay, introduce yourself, already! Here's the place, create a new thread.
    Random fact: I have a cat on my lap again... U_U;
  7. Ow! What is your problem, and BEAN DIP?!? You ain't sleepin' HERE tonight, I'll tell you that!
    HEY! You're here! WHY are you here?!?! I don't even remember the last FF you played! (Was that back in the NES days? A vague gray memory of a person blowing into a cartridge passes before me.)
    I;m watching Running Out Of Time here. I love this film. Have you seen it? What are you watching? This is OnStar, you just got a major emotional pile-up, are you okay?
  8. *walks out onto terrace gazing sappily into the night* ~ "O Romeo! Wherefore art thou?"

    *throws empty can of bean dip up* ~BONK.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 38 of 38
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