Conversation Between Jin and Hyzenthlay

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. They're never going to be as good as the originals (I was gasm-ing at the remake as well), but so far it seems they've done a great job at keeping that distinctly Monkey Island style of humour.
  2. I haven't played the new ones. Are they good? I bought the re-make on xbl. THat was nostalgia incarnate.
  3. I started playing the new Monkey Island games. They give me such warm, fuzzy memories.
  4. No problemo XD.
  5. Why thank you for the fireball. I will treasure it and feed it and water it and take it for a walk every day.

    Well, maybe I won't water it, but definitely the rest.

    Much obliged. <3
  6. I'll hold you to that. =P
  7. Ha ha. I've been working on RP's. Sorreh.

    Be on soon. =]
  8. Aha, looks like the tables have turned.
  9. Look who's online... Look who's not!

    Gah, I have a party later, too.
  10. I make a pretty good pillow, I've been told. But fair enough, tomorrow it is.

    Sleep tight.
  11. I can't go on msn now, . It's much too late!!

    Bed times for me. I hear my pillows calling. Perhaps tomorrow, eh? =]

  12. That's right, I'm on central Canada time.

    Not yet 10 here. Though I don't see you on MSN. That makes me sad.
  13. I meant MSN. It's 4am now and suddenly you're on!? That's horsecrap.

    Nevermind, eh?
  14. I was thinking the same thing about you. I was online earlier today for a few hours. Didn't see you. It was terrible.

    Or did you mean on TFF?
  15. I have a question; why is it that you are never online?

    Yes... That's a very VERY good question.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 59
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