Conversation Between Raider and Unknown Entity

999 Visitor Messages

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  1. What is your ringtone? XD
  2. i didnt cry but it made me sad its my ringtone now
  3. Finding Nemo is one awesome movie. I think I'm the only person I know who actually cried less than 15mins into that movie when the evil fishy killed the mummy and all the baby eggs. ;___;

    Haha, thats one of my favourite quotes from that film - Dory is friggin' fantastic! XD
  4. it was a rave tbf, i will be cleaning all 2moro so i'm trying to cram in as much fun now

    and yes finding nemo

    i shall call him squishy and he shall be mine, He will be my squishy
  5. Haha, you're just excited that it is the last day of school. XD

    Nemo? As in... Finding Nemo? =S
  6. ahaha, fair enough, suprisingly i am really awake i might watch some nemo soon
  7. Haha, I'll search for them on tomorrow and add them - then I can hear more of their stuff. Too tired to do it now lmao. *yawns*
  8. its bizzare i am hooked on them atm
    makes me happy
  9. Ok, beats in both are good. And the screaming is ok - its not ripping my head apart lmao. XD
  10. I'm listening to the second one now... me likie the beat. *dances*
  11. Could you link me to a good youtube song please? Otherwise I'll pick a crappy song, and it'll turn me off them. =D
  12. oo o i has a band for you
    breathe carolina, they class as screamo crunk but there is no rapping and the screaming is minimum and its calming try no vacancy, amazing band
  13. i see well screamo crunk is rapping screamo and electric al mixed
  14. Haha, I'm not a big fan of screamo music. I end up with head pains very quickly. I don't mind it once in a while though, just not an every day thing.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 999
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