Conversation Between NikkiLinkle and Rowan

94 Visitor Messages

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  1. The photo wouldn't load, it says its temporarily unavailable, I'll have a squiz another time.

    That's the truck. Hope you can see it. And yeah I like my step dad. He's a good guy.
  3. You know the front part of a semi trailer lol. Yeah. I'm not big on churches.
  4. Well thats nice. Do you like your step-dad?
    Whats a blue western star truck?
    If I get married it will be in a court house. Never going to be in a church, thats for sure.
  5. My mum just got married of Saturday. It was pretty nice. It was at the court house in the marriage room, it was actually pretty nice in there. My mum arrived in a blue western star truck lol.
  6. So whats been happening lately , miss?
  7. Well I can't physically see you, which is good because that'd be a stalkerish thing to say. But I can see you online! Muahahahaha! That is all.
  8. haha, where am I? where am I? ahaa
  9. I can see you Rowan!
  10. I don't even watch it, I've just heard snippets on the ads. I think they're going for a feel good type thing. Millsy was a contestant on Australian Idol. That's the only information I can give you lol. I'm really sick of all these singing and dance competition shows. Big Brother is back this year. I'm not into that either. But it's on channel nine this time so maybe it'll be different? Yeah, I doubt it.
  11. I havn't seen it yet, I knew it was going to be a try-hard attempt at bringing something back so I save myself from being anoyyed by not watching it. I might look up some youtube videos to see what you mean about the kids with the constant smiles. Whos Millsy?
  12. Have you seen the new Young Talent Time? It makes me want to vomit a little. I'm sure those kids have talent, but they don't have to dance around with scary smiles on their faces. And that Millsy guy from Australian Idol is the host. He's a wanker.
  13. It was 40 degrees up here a couple weeks ago. It was horrible! Oh good. Hmmm we're ok. I'm still always doubting things though. I've decided to give it one last chance. I'm pretty sure I've put some emotional walls up and they're hard to get down. But enough about that. It's ma birthday soon I will be 24 it's a little scary.
  14. Its started raining here after 2 consecutive days at 35 degrees. We are good, im gonna see her after work. What about you and your bf?
  15. Hey you. I've been ok. Nothing new for me lol. It's been raining up here off and on for 2 weeks, which I don't mind at all. How are you and your girl?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 94
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