Conversation Between Josh_R and HUNK

67 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hello. What might Josh-the-mighty be doing in this neck of the internets?
  2. hello gorgeous
  3. Hey man thanks! I got like a 94 on my grad project. First time other than my pannel members when I actually got props for it so thanks again!
  4. I finally got around to looking at the buster blade pics, man that is f*ckin sick, good job.
  5. I am making a Buster Sword. I posted pictures!
  6. What is it over?
  7. Those darn netflix heathens!

    Hey, I'm doing my senior project presentaion Thursday!!!
  8. They got it all in about a 2 day period. They have tons of new releases.
  9. Really? So like the one time I don't have netflix, they get abunch of anime! That's lame!
    Oh well...
  10. I to have been watching much anime, netflix got a shit load all of a sudden
  11. I wish I could post...
    Only chances I get are like now while I'm at my mentors house.(Senior project mentor) Thankfully I can get on every-so-often to keep my profile alive. I intend to keep on TFF till the day I stop liking FF...(VERY Unlikely, but I'll admit, I'm starting to dig on Metal Gear Solid's storyline alot.) Anywho, just surviving, watching crap-loads of anime and trying to catch as many Gorillaz concerts on tv as possible.
  12. Nm man, just been posting an shit, you?
  13. Kisuke? Whoa, totally didn't recognize you!

    Whats up?
  14. Hey man whats goin on
  15. Well thanks!

    Best of wishes to you as well!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 67
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