Conversation Between Magi of Worlds and Heartless Angel

115 Visitor Messages

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  1. Looks good, I can definitely work with that. Might be a bit though. This is a new genre for me, so its taking me a bit to really decide how I want to approach things.
  2. It is finished... Please read and let me know if I should adjust anything.
  3. Hey I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten about the RP section or Constant Vigilance. I've been trying to get all my plans and ideas formulated and written down because once I edit that post, it's going to be kind of long.
  4. Ah, okay, that's the right one then, lol. We actually had a Zarg here, so I wasn't sure.
  5. God my atrocious spelling! Who the hell is Zarg lol? Zera and I have talked about me joining Brave Exius recently.
  6. I am literally at a crossroads here Heartless. If I extend my post further, allowing you to progress, I'll be speeding through my posts for Warsaw Bunker. I had an attack in mind after I met my contact and everything. But it would have been a couple of posts ahead. I have exactly zero idea as to how I will proceed.
  7. This is true. I may have to extend my post again. Really hoping it doesn't come to that though.
  8. Not sure how I'm going to meet you again at this point. I don't have any logical reason to go poking around the sewers.
  9. Well I suppose if Coff never responds back then we will be forced to continue on without him. Got any ideas if he doesn't?
  10. Ok my edited post is finished and Alex has finally made it into the bunker!
  11. So... Coff hasn't been online since the 27th... I guess I'll have an edited post in the RP section up by this evening. Hopefully see something from him soon but until then feel free to post after my edit.
  12. Yep yep! It sure is!
  13. Looks like everything works again for now.
  14. Hopefully I've found a way around my VM issue as well. If I click on the entire conversation it actually pulls it up. I have sent him a reminder about the RP through VM that way as well. Please let me know if you're actually getting these!
  15. So I've found a workaround for errors in PM. If you select a PM, and go down to the options dropdown, there's an option to download the PM as a text file. If you'd PMed Coff, there's a good chance he can't read it.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 115
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