Conversation Between HUNK and Robbo

98 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ok so I know what ISO is but whats tit?
  2. Yeah and its so easy my friend. Once you get a hang of it although Sabin is a lot better at tit than i am i has to use a basic one whereas Sabin knows how to make ISO's and stuff (at least i think he does)
  3. Do you mean like an Emmulator? That's awesome! I've been trying to get some emmulating software for FFT but alas no luck there...
  4. Good stuff i has VI on my comp somewhere dont think ive played it though
  5. Well unfortunatlly it's not progressing much. However I'm online at school all the time.

    I started play FFVI and you know what? It's pretty awesome.
  7. Yeah, I'm sure I've answered before but no, I don't.
  8. Dude do you have an Xbox 360 (im sure iv'e asked you this before)
  9. I dont get how an Anime series of Halo would be good but ill try to check it out.
  10. Yup, pretty much. He fights a giant monster with the help of an abandon AI from a human ship. It's pretty friggen epic. Hence it's my favorite story.
  11. lawl does he just like fail at everything then one day do something right?
  12. Yeah, it's pretty awesome!
    Anywho they're are multiple different stories told in different anime styles. My favorite is about spartan 1337. Tee-Hee, he's an idiot spartan in the same squad as master chief.
  13. Umm only ads for it i think is it the whole animatyed series thing?
  14. Sweet.
    My friend caleb plays halo non-stop and he's like a warrent officer grade 2. (He says he hasn't played that one much.
    Have you seen Halo Legends?
  15. Yeahh im like Warrant Officer Grade 2 on it
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 98
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