Conversation Between The_Dream_Recluse and Chocobo_Lover17

129 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha of course i listen And i will one day if i'm ever over there with you
  2. I simply love what you added to my title in your TFF family, you really do listen and you still need to try it!!!
  3. Aw true that sucks hun *hugs*
  4. not much..had to get rid of my bunny tonight, so I am a little upset.
  5. G'day

    Whatcha upto?
  6. Hello!
  7. where did you go today?
  8. Course

    Okies nightt xD
  9. going to sleep now, goodnight and sweet dreams, talk to you tomorrow <33
  10. you really think so?
  11. Yeah it's incredible good work xD
  12. thank yew! I thought so too!
  13. Oh wow haha it's awesome xD
  14. you should look at my profile if you haven't recently..its so colorful!
  15. message me when you get back kay?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 129
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