Conversation Between Halie and RamesesII

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Agh I know how you feel I've felt a few fly symptoms the last two days, but other than that I'm good.
  2. Im pretty good despite a head cold blagh. What about yourself?
  3. Haha that's alright . How are youu?
  4. Will you be my valentine?????
    You should feel honored that you are now my friend wait I mean I am honored to be
    your friend haha thanks for the friend request
  5. Yeah its a big deal but I commend your courage and wholeheartedness all the way.
  6. It's okay, that's exactly what my mum says about it haha. I do realise that a lot of surrogate mothers have changed their minds and wanted to keep the babies so I will obviously think it through beforehand
  7. No worries
  8. Why thank you
  9. Happy b'day Halie hope you have a good day.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 39 of 39
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