Conversation Between Yoko and Michael Swayne

538 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'd rather not talk about it.
  2. A minor detail you may have missed when referring to my post. I didn't say she was the greatest, just one of the greatest. There aren't many that are as good or better than her at singing, despite what she has done in her personal life. I am only talking about singing. What someone does on their own time is their concern, and should not hinder a person's opinion of their singing.
  3. Just got to Disk three the last time I played.
  4. That's good. Where are you at in your playthrough? I have neglected all games since my computer has started working. I have been trying to catch up on anime
  5. Aww...Thanks.

    I am feeling better. Will probably play FFIX while I'm home.
  6. Here's a random happy, hoping that everything is good with you.

  7. It's gotten worse.
  8. After reading your journal entry this morning, and your status updates, I am not surprised. Sounds like it was a rough day.
  9. I might not be. I just want this day to be over...
  10. I will be online in about 20.
  11. ...hey
  12. Everyone keeps sending me things (mostly ailments) over the web. This needs to stop . It brings me down.

    To the land of sleep I gooo. Night!
  13. Me too (on the sleep need). As far as food goes, I can't even get my sister to remember that I need an onion to make spaghetti sauce.

    As soon as my back feels better, your's starts hurting. I must have sent my pain when I sent the wind your way. LOL

    Yeah, not having money totally sucks. I have four dollars and some change. We just have to remember that things will get better. They have to, because they can't get any worse.
  14. I need sleep.....and decent food. I'm almost out of salad...

    I also need to stop complaining.....but it feels to good to complain. back. Why must you hurt me so?!

    I did get a bit of relief, but it's not much...........****ing money.
  15. Turn that frown, upside-down
    and smile, smile, smile!

    You would probably hate living with me then. I would always wake my family up by singing at them. Not to them, at them. I even had a wake-up song:

    "Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning,

    good morning, and how are you?

    Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning,

    I hope you feel it too!

    I really like the morning!

    And you sound like you were snoring.

    Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning

    Good morning to you!"

    Anyway, napping is fun.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 538
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