Conversation Between Azuteor and Fate

276 Visitor Messages

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  1. Er, you see, it just got too... chaotic for me. And I decided I'd rather not get involved in a forum's... entirety and... business all together. I'm sorry, but hopefully you understand.
  2. Why aren't you posting in the Council anymore?
  3. Hey there, you! How've you been?^^
  4. Nuh-uh! I read your mind!
  5. Lol yeah. You saw that on my About Me.
  6. You're Filipino, right?
  7. Yes! What kind of asian are you? Sorry, I couldn't say it any better than that at the moment. lol
  8. Of course I am!^^ So are you, right?
  9. You asian?
  10. I couldn't speak English when I was young either. Not until four that I started learning.
  11. I'm supposed to be in college, but I was held back since I couldn't speak english when I was a tod. Sucks ballzzzz~

    Yes! I thought it was time for a new avatar!
  12. Heh heh! New chibi avy!^^
  13. Soon to be eighth. But in reality, I'm supposed to be in high school next year. but I didn't get held back; just some error in registration.
  14. Yes, unfortunately! ;_; I will be an adult!

    What grade are you in middle school?
  15. So, next year is the last?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 276
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