Okay, I just had a new idea! Check out Laura's convo with me!
Operation TFF Conquering thing? Cool! Guess this new idea was short-lived, huh? See ya... back as before!
You meant the Operation TFF Conquering thing? Let's do it! I'm changing back!
And I'm talking about these names and avatars. People still call you "Fate" for crying out loud! What about Kilala's idea?
I meant posting things like that! You know, intellectual!
In that case, perhaps we should go back? I really hate this post time limit...
And that's how you get reputation!
Well, Thief, that's just who you are. You came in and... well... stole my thunder, of course, I didn't have any, but still! But, maybe I just didn't want to change, maybe I never wanna really change. Even with this new name and avatar, I still hear "Ralz." From Kilala, from you, from lots of people. I can't change, I'm unable to change.
I forgot what I was like ten months ago!
I see... but that's being somewhat cheap, not to mention lazy... I always went from one thread to another, a neverending spiral of comments and questions. At first, I was overwhelmed, and then I began to accept this place. Then I just up and left. I didn't have any friends before you and everyone else. I was no one, what could stop me from leaving? I came back a while later, and what a surprise to see you! You'd changed, but I remained the same. Always the same. Even now, I still feel like that noob from years ago. You probably forgot that feeling, but I still feel it, just slightly...
Actually, how I got my first 200 in the first week was that I posted, someone else posted, and I commented on their post! I did that every time I saw someone esle's name on the last post that isn't mine!
Duh, but I pick good threads that get posts that aren't spam! That "Post before a mod" was nothing but a spam trap from the very beginning, and we all know it! I have responded to several Trivia questions. Did you know no one apparently figured out the FFI Trivia had my FREE QUESTION? I ultimately changed it to a question, because I couldn't take it anymore! This forum is hell... that's why its the best!
*sigh* I'll tell you! You see the name of the Mods next to each forum? Pick the ones with nice or no Mods to post in!
Too late! You've already told me all I need to know from our previous discussion. Kilala knows, they all know! But seriously, Fate, I did want to best you. How did you do it? It took you less than a year to get 700 posts, it took me almost 2 years, and this is my progress, just this...
Impossible! There's a certain way to do so! You see... naw, I won't tell you!