Of course she will! And the broken sig was supposed to be one with our three initials in it. Then, we break it in three, and we each put our third in our sigs!
Think she'll make one for me? And I see you've started your part of the Broken Sig. I'm so screwed because I can't copy and paste in my sig for some reason!
No, laura made it for me! Ask her!
You... picked a new avatar? Now I feel I should change mine. What should I choose?
I'm back! ^^
You're trying to leave without saying bye to ME? Well, that's just cruel. I mean, sure we tried to necro-post, but we had a passion for it!
That sounds... complicated... We'll get it to work when we begin.
OMG... U understand that one? I suggested that laura make a sig for us three, then break in into three pieces. We each get on piece, and our sigs form a big one!
I know what sig means! What's the broken sig idea? I swear if you make fun of my abbreviation troubles one more time, I'll...
Sig = Signature! Learn my abbreviations!
What does THAT stand for!?
Fine! Anyway, have you seen it? The broken sig idea?
Well, excuuuuuuuuse me, princess! Just kidding! That's not even right... convo... it should be... conver... or something. How about... chit-chat?
You... do realize that convo is short for conversation, right?
The... convo? how do I get there?