(\o/) Hmm... 8/\ Suicune! Sephiroth is so lame, everytime his mom shows up, he gets on his knees and begs for him to go candy shopping. DEATH TO THE DOUCHE! Now I feel awful. (I don't think we've ever talked. That makes sense.)
( (|=D ) Not that I know of. 8I Celebi! Oh, that's a kick in the shins! But, I guess you're right! Sephiroth will DIE! Oh, and now how do you feel? (Oh, you know Rose? Well, he sent a PM to me saying to play along with that message.)
(Xd) Oh. So... it has no official name, then? 8K Lugia! Only losers who can't support their own villains would go for the low-blow, which doesn't exist. Sephiroth will SUFFER. Here. The last part of the convo is at the top. He's gone, now.
(xD) Oh, yeah. That's because the original video that it was off was called "Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan." and that had nothing to do with it. =D 8O Ho-oh! Oh, yeah! Let's start this hatred together! How dare he call Kuja and Sora! Time to die, Sephiroth! So, what happened between you and Ethan? I can't see your convo because I'm not his friend.
(=)) I don't know the title of the song, though. All I got is "Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan." If I was to name it, what should it be called? =O Ho-ho? It's on, now. Before it was a casual battle. I wasn't going to care too much... BUT THAT CHANGED. We'll do FAR worse than that. We're going to drive him so far into the dirt, he'll be ashamed to even think about coming back.
(=D) Yeah, but make sure before you do! xD =3 Hehe! Yeah, I thought that was it! I've helped you once, so I'll help you again! =D I called Sephiroth, District 9. That's a bad insult!
() I've never heard of it before, so it might slide. :E Ah-ha. He will suffer a thousand deaths for his comment. D8<
(Oh, all right! If you want to! xD) Yeah, like I said; I'm not sure if it's copyrighted. =D Yeah! Because Alther attacked Sora, right? I'll kill him like last time!
(I'll earn it.) If YouTube doesn't come after me... >_> But I might put it on Veoh, too. :T Really? BTW, we now must kill Sephy.
(Yeah, I'll allow you to have one.) Thanks a whole lot! =D =3 Yeah, I'm going to buy the DVD because it's that good!
(But next time, it's mine.) It totally deserves it. :B I heard about that. We might get it on Netflix when it releases on DVD.
(Yay!) All righty, then! >8D It was How to train a dragon! Yeah it was good! And okay, then!
(Fine, you win.) If it doesn't. I'll search and see if I can't get WMM to work with me... 8D What was the movie? Was it good? Because you live six hours ahead of me???
(Yeah, you should!) You should totally add one? All right, then! =D I'm sorry! I had to go to the cinema, Ralz! Why was it a bed thing I wasn't here?
Today had better be a very busy day for you to not be here!