Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Nonono, The demo's skills isn't related AT ALL to the Chronicle's skills unless you want my skills to do so, You are free to create other skills for your character, It can be as insane and 4th wall breaking as you wish! It's for the Future RP we have here!

    But you can take inspiration from my skills if you so wish, Almost 100% of my skills isn't related to the game at all, As i cannot make such insane skills for the game, I need to do simplier... But that doesn't mean i can't be seriously insane when it comes to the RP!

  2. I thought the demo was my skills? I could alter it, but I figured that was the last word on it.
  3. Hey Ralz, Ain't you going to list up your techniques at the list soon? Im kinda done soon, So i wish to see what you has. You get my point.
  4. ...Feeling or no, why would Elyon ever think the world was ending? That's a harsh view. : (

    Fine, fine, it can work.

    Please tell me its Orderos. Please tell me Elyon being born on Orderos is the reason. That has to be it, right?

    Dimitri hails from Orderos is well? So, they're both unintentionally cheating?

    Just when you feel the need to expand the story far beyond its limits. Just saying. I had SO MANY ideas for this game, like getting shipwrecked on an island, having a drunk bar scene, having to participate in an auction to save Meigumi, a scene where Ralz and Nova have a duel, an airship that Meigumi has to repair, and let's not forget about our 9000-floor castle. Yeah, that was considered, too. My ideas were worse than yours.

    As well as relevance, but we all make mistakes.
  5. Nono, You miss the meaning, He had a FEELING of the world's end, But he just believed it was nonsense, Yeah... You can skip the Robin Hood part, I was silly there.

    And yeah, Dimitri's my rival.

    No, Im not an seer! (Has watched Ralz speaking with Meigumi) I am just gifted! A wonder boy, Let's say... An genius that knows much.

    Dimitri is like this as well, Which... Is indeed instresting...
    Am i so much of a pain, Ralz?

    I'd like ideas myself too! But im bad at being creative.
  6. Yeah, I'm lost again. When did we ever have a school? Or was that on Orderos? If so, Elyon shouldn't remember Orderos. If on Chaosthroph, I guess I can work it into the map, but it'll need to be on Velahsti.

    What about this Robin Hood nonsense? Not only does it make no sense, if they're never referenced ever again, its a missed plot point. Not to mention, they're aren't any roaming aristocrats running around. They're all holed up in Utopia.

    And what terrible event would that be? You speak as if Elyon has predicted the world's end. Wouldn't he be a bit more... I dunno, concerned? Traveling to other worlds should be the least of his worries. He should fix this world before moving onto another.

    Elyon... please stop introducing irrelevant plot points. It only makes storywriting that much harder.
  7. ...Seriously, does he have some premonition or something? He shouldn't know about Dimitri's evil, yet.
  8. That's not entirely right, He want to explore more worlds, But instead, He went into saving Chaosthroph from a painful death. :x

    Don't ask him, He has his reasons.
  9. So.... he basically grew up delivering letters and learning how to weild three types of weapons. All the while, Dimitri became his "friend" while still being his rival. Four years later, he started adventuring, wokring with some kind of thievery group for awhile, and after that, his story begins?

    Good attributes.

    So... Elyon's an alchemist?

    Does he know about a future event that's going to be disasterous?

    He may acquire some, though?

    Well... I guess you kinda already did with attitude and treatment of others. In fact, ignore this one.

    Indiana Jones? So, when the world's problems become more apparent, he... wants to go to new ones? He doesn't want to help Chaosthroph?
  10. Alrighty then! *Engineer Gmod Raep Faic*

    Elyon's basic backstory
    "Elyon's story from the start? Okay then, Elyon was born the 26th September, His father is Abysevl which is a part demon, And Valerie with is a part Angel, Elyon was quite the wonder boy at both School and High Academy, With sparkling intelligence and willpower, He got himself an easy part time job when he was 11, Delivering letters to the other side of the continent to important professors and royals, He eventually stoped working when he was 16, Elyon went into another part-time school to teach him the ways of weapons, Elyon was there trained into 3 kinds of weapons, Greatswords, Rapiers, And Bare-hand combat, Everything went well as he was very promising student, He rivaled with the other 16 year old boy named Dimitri, They enventually became Rival-Friends with each other, When Elyon became 20, His adulthood began, He went into small adventures, He also did some Rouge Pillaging with a small group that steals from Tyrantal Dictators that passed the woods (Robin Hood, much?), When he became 21, A terrible event happened us all..."

    Elyon's current lifestyle and attitude
    "Elyon likes taking things cool at his own pace, But he does the work he's payed for, He can be somewhat lazy at times, But that doesn't happen often, He's cheerful, kind and protects those around him to the very end, Lawful, And has a strong sence of justice."

    Elyon's treatment of others
    "Elyon who has taken a small class in Survival Training usually has a plan, Normally, Elyon tries to use magical items to clear others wounds of a certain level, Uses usually Antidotes when clearing others wounds."

    Elyon's view of the world
    "Elyon knows that the world would surely die in the future, So he makes the best of the time he's given, His view of the world is that might never become this beautiful ever again."

    Elyon's potential conflicts
    None Known.

    Elyon's, well... character
    "Hey Ralz, Explain this one to me better, okay?"

    Elyon's motivations
    "He wanted to be a famous adventurer that searches for legendary treasures, But his motivations slowly changed as he adventured through Tombs and temples, He then decided to be an regular explorer that searched for new worlds."

    Is this good enough?
  11. Okay, Elyon. I've decided I can't make the characters how I want them. Instead, I'm letting everyone else choose how they want them represented. I've already discussed this with Meigumi, and she's forming her character now.

    I would like to ask you the same. What I want is this:

    Your character's basic backstory
    Your character's current lifestyle and attitude
    Your character's treatment of others
    Your character's view of the world
    Your character's potential conflicts
    Your character's, well... character
    Finally, your character's motivations

    I'm asking the same of everyone else. We'll get through this together.
  12. There's always placeholders... we won't laugh. Much.
  13. Fine, I'll change it... But then again... I can't... I cannot use Photoshop! Fate would surely NOT like doing some work again, And my friend is pissed at me for some apparant reason.

    So... I cannot do anything... I only has one friend using Photoshop, And he's not answering me.
    What am i to do?!
  14. Elyon, man, when I look at the title, I think there's a single city of importance in this mystical world called Chaosthroph. Why's it so special? What did it do to become so legendary? That's what I wanna know going in. Instead, playing through the game, the PLANET is called Chaosthroph, and by the end of the game, merges with a second world to become Concord. So... the title loses all purpose.
  15. Towns and Cities are ALMOST (lie) the same! It's just named that without serious reason! Damn... I hope i can buy a new game soon... I've cleared all my other games on record time...
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