Conversation Between Dodie16 and Zargabaath

430 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wow, that's really optimistic of you Zargabaath...

    Haha, I'm just kidding with you a bit! Yes, I have my hesitations about it, but I am just happy that it's in the works. I'm not familiar with Golden Sun, so I'm kinda at a loss for words on that one. Was it this E3 that it was announced or a previous one? I'll have to check that title out.
  2. My advice would be to aim low for the sequel, it's really hard to re-capture the 'spirit' of any original title. I was just as surprised when Nintendo at E3 revealed a Golden Sun sequel.
  3. Thanks for reading my thread! I was really REALLY shocked that there was news of a sequel to begin with, because Clover Studios shut its doors. I just stumbled over those links when I was looking for some Okami gifs and lo and behold there was news of a sequel in the works! Best surprise I've had in a while! Not to mention it was announced a couple of days before my birthday. Coincidence???? Yeah, probably.

    I really hope that the sequel lives up to the first game, but honestly I'm just pleased that there's another one in the works.
  4. I better get on with playing Okami, if I decide to get the sequel.
  5. Thanks for the birthday message!
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. After re-reading it I saw your error. Lol. It's ok. My brain automatically fixed it or I just recognized that was my name and skipped the rest of the word. lol
  8. You're welcome! But did you notice that I accidently misspelled your name? I can't go back and edit it, or I would...oops...

    Take care!
  9. Thanks for that user note you sent me yesterday. I try to do my best, of course sometimes my brain gets ahead of my hands and my grammar ends up looking poor. lol. I like the Okami theme for your page.
  10. Hi Zargabaath! Just dropping by to say hello, and also did you get that PM I sent you? Just wondering. I haven't heard from you, so I'm wondering if I wrote it out and forgot to push send. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if I did forget!

    Happy posting!
Showing Visitor Messages 421 to 430 of 430
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