Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

597 Visitor Messages

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  1. The Fayt one? I didn't make that, you know. xD I'm not sure if I still have it.

    Yep, that. And my info is under Contact Information if you want it. Be warned, though: I'm seldom on. =P
  2. MSN Messager?
  3. I dunno, I still REALLY like the first one you had, back when I was DarkVenomandCarnage, got it somewhere?
    Meh, it's just for the story (Let's face it, I didn't know what else to do for a main antagonist!) Besides, you ARE a permenant! You are already ingrained at the groups core.
    Only way to turn into a good guy is to join the RPs.

    I'll see if I can get it, I take it your name there is Fate? Here, I'll go get it! Liek RIGHT NOU! LOL (Yes, the last misspellings were intentionalLOL)
  4. I think this is my best avatar up to date.
    Oh, come on. It's all perspective. Except for the FACT that I am not evil.

    I'm not on much, but if you have MSN, I can chat there.
  5. I hope we can chat more often! I've been enjoying this!
  6. Hehe, that thredad man. That thread, now, otherwise, I think you are pretty dang awesome!

    Meh, I oughta make an Avy that I actually worked for LOL!

    HAHA! You have died at LEAST 3 times already! (Course, I died twice.)
    Only way to be a protagonist is to join in the RP! Ralz and I will make your story as to why you are a good guy now Even if it's simply t he otherworld you.
  7. I feel so loved. xD Hey, I'm the nicest kid here. How could I (or my face) POSSIBLY be an antagonist?
    Thanks! ^ ^ I spent nearly three hours making it.
  8. BTW, sorry for double post, but nice Avvy.
  9. Go look at the "Fighting Arena (Humerous)" thread. Also, why not? Who says I can't be a hero? I'm the one who saved Chaosthroph, You are the one who started the interworld conflict. We at Chaosthroph were at least, content. While I was angry with your character, (In Chronicals of Chaosthroph, I haven't revealed it yet, but you convinced Sephiroth to kill Aerith, in your words, "Kill the wretched fool who thinks she can save this cursed world. It is destined to be destroyed, and I would rather not have to call in the army.") Hehehe, you are THE main antagonist, the... "Sephiroth" if you'll excuse the reference, you just will not die! You just keep coming back, heck, I think you've comeback more times than Sephiroth!
  10. Take that back or I'll send the Hope fanboys at you! And you can't be a hero, much less the MAIN one. xD
  11. Sorry, but it's too late, you had already made your posts in the thread that helped me define your character. But, on the +, you are the Alter-ego of one of the main heroes! ME! LOL!
    (Lemme know if you wanna know more, or the thread)
  12. OBJECTION! I don't really like angels as much, anymore. Hope is number one now! =D
  13. By over-doing the Angel thing, you keep trying to destroy everything so that you can rule the universe with an Iron Fisted Rule.
  14. Blasphemy! How can I possibly be a villain?
  15. Well at least it would allow you to view our tale, where YOU are the villain LOL!
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