Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

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  1. Yep! (We can still discuss it, right?)

    (OOC: I'm sure they would understand, although it would be nice if you didn't, you could learn to ACTUALLY like Sephy! )
  2. Well, let's put that behind us, and return to our respectable devotions! You shall love Sephiroth, and I shall gladly shove him aside!

    (OOC: I might leave that group though, although it would be rude to just up and leave after using it for a simple joke.)
  3. Yes yes... And Elyon was waltzing with someone called Dr. Hax...
    No more souls right before bed for me!
  4. I do remember that. I think I was whoring Sephy all over the place! And then we fought an epic convo duel.
  5. What a weird dream!
    I seem to remember that you insisted on bringing Sephy to the CoC
    and the I called him a Mama's boy...
  6. Ah!!! Kefka, Kuja, Seymour, I'm so sorry!!!
  7. I think we DID have the same dream O.O
  8. It was the strangest thing... if we had the same dream. You fell in love with Kefka! It was almost as if, even though we both swapped, we still bickered!
  9. I remember you liked Sephy! That's it though...
    Did I play a joke?
  10. April Fools...? I missed it? Sorry man, but I've been in a horrible dream... Too much Sephiroth love... o__O

    (OOC: That was fun. Loving him for a change was kinda neat, but its back to loving Seymour, Kuja, and Kefka again. ^^)
  11. LOL, Happy April Fools!
  12. Hahahaha... (I think I saw that, but I just can't remember.)
  13. Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt! (Wayne's world FTW!)
  14. On your knees. Beg for His forgiveness!
  15. Kneel before the mighty Kefka!
Showing Visitor Messages 391 to 405 of 862
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