Yeah, wait til 10th grade. I guarantee life will get hard as hell!
^^ See my powers now? I was a straight a student, bearing a GPA of 4.5!^^ Not anymore...
Yeah, I'm 18, and I still can't defeat you!
Kid? I'm only five years younger than you! Soon to be only four years younger than you! Besides, in real life, I'm sure I'm more mature!
Don't push your luck, kid!
Yeah! Says me! And if I remembered correctly, I won two out of two arguments we had, isn't that right?
Well says you!
There is nothing conceiving about it!
In any possbily, conceivable way!
Was not? In what way?
Because that's a very WRONG question!
You never stopped? Yet you refuse to answer my question in that game thread?
Outside for a little job. NO. No? I never stopped! No. And no.
Ralzy! Where did you go? To mail me money? Or to collect your pay? Did you [finally] shower. Or did you eat something, and your stomach hurt?
I'm back again!