Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah I watched that. The ending was subtle.
  2. Have you seem the How To Be Emo Youtube video?
  3. Not that epicly.
  4. Naw, people get run over every day!
  5. Always fun to create a scene of the unthinkable.
  6. I actually found that to be quite humours! I'm so evil, I love it!^^
  7. How do we deal with haters?

    YouTube - Zero Budget Running Someone Over
  8. Well, I don't know that for sure. There may well be haters around these forums...
  9. That's good, because no one wants you to leave!
  10. I'll willingly go back with you!^^
  11. And if you do, I'll hunt you down and drag you right back!
  12. I know, right?^^ There's nothing Fatey can't/won't do in this forum!^^ Maybe except leave!
  13. Because its you!
  14. I guess!^^ Anything's possible right? It's just: Why is a thirteen year old debating with adults?
  15. Which is why I didn't post it there. But, it's still something to consider, right?
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