Yeah I watched that. The ending was subtle.
Have you seem the How To Be Emo Youtube video?
Not that epicly.
Naw, people get run over every day!
Always fun to create a scene of the unthinkable.
I actually found that to be quite humours! I'm so evil, I love it!^^
How do we deal with haters? YouTube - Zero Budget Running Someone Over
Well, I don't know that for sure. There may well be haters around these forums...
That's good, because no one wants you to leave!
I'll willingly go back with you!^^
And if you do, I'll hunt you down and drag you right back!
I know, right?^^ There's nothing Fatey can't/won't do in this forum!^^ Maybe except leave!
Because its you!
I guess!^^ Anything's possible right? It's just: Why is a thirteen year old debating with adults?
Which is why I didn't post it there. But, it's still something to consider, right?