Success! I managed to make this script successfully work! I don't have to scrap the Party Script anymore. Go me! Go me! Go me! YEEE-HAAAWW!!!
Oh yeah, I thought you might wanna hear this, I've being scouting around in the script, And i found something intresting! This small thing can save the Party Menu Script! Hopefully, I don't have to scrap that script at all! woot!
We do have a party of four, But Jill cannot enter as she isn't a true member of the team, She mysteriously disappeared and never came back. The party of four represents. Elyon Ralz Meigumi Alther Normally, That's probarly what i expect to see you guys playing as. :3 It's a classic party for me. But of course, As said... There'll be more to choose, Including Nova and others.
THREE PARTY MEMBERS???????? I mean, in the game. Is she not being represented?
Jill was kidnapped?
Fair enough. As long as we can switch them out somehow. So yeah, 3 party members? And what happened to Jill? Aw, too bad. Was a pretty cool idea.
Hmm, Well, I can fix so that the party members can be switched outside battle, But not inside... But then... It bumps with skill scripts, It isn't going well with this one, I might have to trash it.
TERRIBLE IDEAS Pretty much, I gathered everyone's answers and compiled them as well as my own. I also figured I'd staple on every single idea I ever had for this game. There's even a tutorial in there, which was made earlier so some terms are incorrect. There was one thing in there that was a ridiculous, yet awesome name for an Overlimit. I even named the secret boss in there. Mostly, its burnt ideas, but I figured you could at least review my insanity in your spare time. Also,two things. I like Joint Moves more, now. You were right. With the addition of four party members, does this mean you CAN change party leaders? Or at least swap the members out? Also, if we have nine, are you gonna use 3 members per party?
Woot, lol. Thanks, Elyon.
Since there where only one question in the list, I'll post it here. Ralz - "All that matters is if you want it. If you do, it stays. I just need some reasons for its existence." Elyon - "Let's take the idea then." FINALLY OVER!!! HAAAAAAAAA
Okay, This GOTTA be the final one!! Getting Annoyed by These.rtf
Getting Annoyed by These.rtf ಠ_ಠ
Okay, Here. HOPEFULLY Phynul Ansurs 2.rtf
HOPEFULLY Phynul Ansurs.rtf You know the drill.