What's a hugging shield anyway?
Good, so let's wait for Kilala now. I sent her a message as urgent as I could think up. She might think someone died!
But... look at it again...
So did I, and now let's say no more on that!
Huggin shield? I... posted again, though...
Notice how I passed you a hugging shield in that thread, hope it helps!
She was gonna do it, but I just saved her the trouble!
Yes, this will cheer her right up!
Make it as urgent as possible! This is a calling for a pre-celebration, after all!
Should I make it sound like business before she finds out? Like it's about some other matter? Because, I can send her a PM in an urgent manner.
Don't worry. She always checks the group. But maybe you shold tell her, since you haven't spoken to her lately.
The age difference. Anyway, who'll tell Kilala?
What's hardly relevant anymore?
That's hardly relevant anymore. So, hurray for the approval!
Yeah! It was fate that you met me, wasn't it? We're like so alike it's creepy... Even for a five year difference.