Hmm... maybe I'm thinking of something else, but I definitely remember something about 666 being... BAD.
I'm Christian/Catholic, but I've never even heard of that...
Oh, it's nothing big. Just some christian thing. It's some bogus prophecy called the "Day of 666." I'm not exactly sure about it, nor do I care, but it basically talks about the day when the Devil emerges from Hell and incinerates the world.
Let's see about you, what sign are you? No, I don't know about 666.
Yep, that's pretty much you in a nutshell. And The HP of the Beast, well, you know what 666 means right? I just used your HP instead of the "Number of the Beast."
Look what it says about my month! Month Flower: The Chrysanthemum: Cheerfulness; You're a Wonderful Friend; Rest; Loveliness; Abundance; Wealth. Month Birthstone: The Topaz: Long life and fidelity are the traditional virtues offered to the November born by these two sunny yellow gems. Sign: Sagittarius: The Sagittarius motto is "It is better to know how to learn than to know." You seek knowledge and wisdom, never tiring of the quest for what is yet to come. Others enjoy being with you when you are in your outgoing and joyful mood, but you can become more sullen if you feel that your wings have been clipped. Even in a restrictive situation, however, you'll not lose hope--and it is this inspirational perspective that leads you to your greatest success. Doesn't it all fit me so well?
What? HP of the Beast? Aww, you're sick?
Oh... crap! Fate, this message is that right now you have the HP of the Beast!
Not much I can do, and I've been sick since this morning. I don't know how active I'll be...
It's... 11:07 already... Tell your parents to give you less chores. Tell them Fate said so.
You were here?
Sweet dreams, Ralzy!^^
Never mind, then... Anyway, I'm STILL tired, even this early, so I'll have to say good night. Can't wait for Kilala's reply. Later!
I don't get it...
Man, don't let anyone ask you to play charades... It's not real! I made it u[ because Kilala will hug you to death... if she was there.