Conversation Between Ralz and Ethan Blitzball King

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  1. Uh oh we forgot about Brother
  2. Wheee!
  3. NM just start the airship
  4. Eh...?
  5. * skips over Ralz * see its easy to skip you
  6. Oops... RUN!
  7. * Looks behind * Oh crap how did they find us
  8. ...Oh no, Rikku and Yuna are after us?
  9. Heh I wanna continue our Blitzball conversations
  10. Poppity-pop-pop-pop?
  11. I miss the way we used to joke around man those were the days
  12. One day, I'll destroy school, then everything will be okay.
  13. Yeah I hate school man it takes away the day
  14. As it always goes: BORING.

    But, we gotta do it, so...
  15. Gee how is school going????
Showing Visitor Messages 361 to 375 of 987
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