Conversation Between Taco-Calamitous and Freya

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  1. WEEKEEEND!!! Finally it's there, the days I waited for sooo~ long during the week! I'm sooo~ happy that I'll finally have time. I totally forgot to print your story yesterday, so I have to read it now. *_* I can't wait, seriously! I was really frustrated when I couldn't read it in the train... :/

    "I will argue for a little bit, but it's kinda emotionally draining to keep that up, likely because I'm really a shy, reserved person."
    /signed xD" It's really the same with me. After writing to you and writing the journal I went to the other forum which stressed me for quite a while now and answered a message from one of them again and then I was exhausted again. Today... well, I won't go there, I need to play FFVIII, so I thought that I'd just come to TFF today. ^^ That makes me really happy - no stress today! =D

    Oooh, believe me, I can curse a lot. xD" When writing to a friend of mine I always use.. really bad words. But I must admit I avoid curse words most of the time. I say "****" a lot when I'm at work or when something just went wrong, but I'm not writing it, for some reason. .-." I also avoid "shit" where it is possible, as well as "ass" or even "asshole". I don't want to write that. Mostly because I think that there might be some problems here. ^^" The worst thing I've said in the last few days was "those mother****ing, damn whores!" or something like that. I was really angry. <.<"

    Haha, me being lazy... I can't even imagine that happening. I'm quite what that personality test said about me: The Duty Fulfiller. I know what I have to do and I WILL do it. No matter the cost. I even came later for breakfast a few times now. Or worked 15 minutes longer than usual. Because I can't just let everything be as it is. I have to finish things first.
    My partner and I recognized today that the little girl I was mentoring made some... really really bad mistakes. xD" Possibly every mistake you can imagine. So I had to get rid of all the mistakes today. ^^" It was quite much work, but it was okay. My partner then said what you just said: That she was just lazy and didn't want to work, that's why everything was out of order in there. ^^" I can't understand those people... ^^"

    Well, the medieval fantasy stories started with The Lord of the Rings and I think almost every fantasy author wants to create a story equal to LotR. But not many are able to write good enough.
    I have to agree with you on one thing: I also think that descriptions are most important. I hate books in which there is only dialogue. Like Harry Potter. XD" I've read 6 of the 7 books and the 6th was soo~ bad. They were just talking all the time. X.x I like stories with action. Something happening, not only the characters talking to each other. Character developement is important, too, but most authors try to reach that through dialogues. In my novels I try to make the developement clear through the actions of the characters. For example, a novel I started once but have cancelled: The leading character was a totally shy boy who couldn't stand being outside his house. He was forced to get out (because of the war) and met someone who showed him the world outside and how to interact with all people. And at the end (which wasn't written ^^") the protagonist should have learned that he didn't have to be afraid of the world.
    I'll look what I can show to you. =D I thought about showing something on TFF of my stories before, but I'm not sure if I'll take an old story or a rather new one. (I've started a new, quite short story a few weeks ago. ^^)

    I learned bass quite fast (but I played guitar before learning bass). It's really simple, but you have to train your fingers. ^^" I played only using my fingers for a few years (2, I think), but then started to use a pick, because the songs were too fast for me. xD" (But I survived a Death Metal band without pick xP)

    Oh, don't think wrong of me, please! T.T I'm out of touch with pop music, too. I just have to listen to it at work. :/ And in the morning.. because my father listens to the radio channels which play these kinds of songs. But normally I don't listen to that kind of music. :/ Mostly, that I have to admit, I listen to the songs just to get the lyrics and then laugh about how stupid they are. xD For example - Jungle Drum. Starts with some kind of "Hey, I am in love with you" - things we heard about in sooo~ many songs.. xD"

    I hope you'll also have a nice weekend - mine will be a bit lonely, I suppose, as I can't write long messages to a certain person, but that'll be okay! (It's just sad because the weekend is the only time in the week that I have enough time... :/ )

    By the way, I never thought that men could write that much! *just kidding*
  2. Oy vey, you've given me a lot to respond to! And I thought I gave you a lot, yesterday, ha. I think you may well deserve that reward you were speaking of

    I feel the same way you do about confrontation, really. I will argue for a little bit, but it's kinda emotionally draining to keep that up, likely because I'm really a shy, reserved person. I'll bet it's the same with you.

    Well then, I don't take back what I said before about you being a sweet person ^^ I've also decided that I find another thing you do to be cute; the way you avoid swearing. You don't even wanna say "ass," eh? No one here will mind if you swear, although if you just don't want to, all the more power to you, miss It's not a particularly common characteristic anymore, but it shows character, I think, that you can get across the ideas you want without using any cursing. Now if we could ween you off the word "stupid..." heh heh.

    Yeah, those people you've been working with... they sound really lazy. They probably know what they're supposed to do, they just don't want to do it. So they play dumb. There are a lot of lazy people everywhere, who don't want to do their jobs correctly. You will probably run into them any place that you work. They will try to make you lazy like them, so that they won't look as bad. Don't give in!

    Yeah, it's really hard to find an original idea anymore. I don't know that there's any left; someone will say "that's just like this," or "that stole that from this." But I get what you mean about most fantasy; it's rather static, from author to author. There are only a few authors I really appreciate, and I feel the same way about video games, anymore.

    Modern day fantasies might be the way to go, yes. The medieval times thing has been done to death (although that's the route I've taken with my books, kinda... ) Really, the thing that draws me in the most are interesting characters, good character development, and interesting settings. And good descriptions! If you let me read what you've written, that would be the best way for me to judge. And I'm glad you're excited to read my story ^^

    I will tell you, I only practiced the bass for a few weeks, and can basically do nothing with it at this point. I can play a few simple songs... heh. I want to learn more, though!

    "Jungle Drum," eh? *looks it up on youtube* Is that a newer song? I've actually not heard it before, I don't think. Then again, I generally don't listen to the top 40-type radio stations; I'm more of a college radio/adult contemporary/alternative rock/talk show kinda guy, myself-when I listen to the radio. Really, I don't listen to it much at all. When we do at work, it's classic rock, because the guys I work with are old, heh (I like classic rock too, though.) I'm very much out of touch with popular music, today. For the most part. I'm glad to hear that you have eclectic tastes, too, though; that's awesome.

    I'm glad to hear that talking to me makes you happy ^^ *internet hugs* I won't be on this weekend. Just wanted to let you know, so you don't think I just decided to stop talking to you, or something. Have a good weekend! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: Lookit how long THAT was!
  3. Oh and will I get an award for writing the longest VMs on TFF? XD *really random comment*
  4. And before I forget it: I don't only listen to Metal. I'm pretty much tolerant when it comes to music. I sang along with the Folk songs today. XD I enjoy such stuff, if I don't have to listen to it all the time. There are also a few songs on the radio that I really like. (Actually, I have to admit that the song "Jungle Drum" - you surely have heard it on the radio - is stuck in my head and I kinda like it... :/ )
    I also love Pop music of the 80's <3 I can't really say that it's "my generation", but my parents listened to it most of the time when we were driving somewhere, so I grew up with that kind of music. =) And I really really enjoy it. Also, I like the 90's. For the same reasons. There are even (!) some Techno songs I like. Basically you could say that there's almost nothing I don't like. ^^

    Last thing that I'll write here, I promise!!! I really grinned when I read the first sentence of your journal. Thanks for mentioning me in such a nice way. <3 And by the way I read through all of it. I see so much parallels X.x I used to think my sister was my hero, too, when I was younger. She is the oldest, so it's basically the same as your case. It must sound really awful now but... at the moment, I really don't want to be like her. The weird thing about this is that I try my best not to become like her... and that saddens me quite a lot. I used to love my sister, but... ah well, I haven't had a bound to her in my whole life. XD" It was always my brothers and I against my sister.

    And now I'll write the journal. Thanks. Writing to you really calmed me down a lot. I was really angry when I came home today. And now I feel like I'm... happy. =D

    LOL XD" My VM is too long. Damn it! XD That's why I parted it ^^"
  5. First things first: I really love writing back and forth with you. I have the feeling that we're kinda.. equal. When I read your VMs I see myself writing it. You are just like me, that is somehow strange but I also enjoy it. I normally don't meet persons who are like me. ^^" Most of my friends are totally different from me...

    The person I mentioned wrote again in the forum I mentioned. And he was like: "FU, I don't care about what you say, anyways." XD I liked that, to be honest. I saw through him and then he was pissed off. ^^
    About the band: I didn't have the selfconfidence to face him back then. :/ Unfortunately. I really would have liked to face him and tell him how weak he was not to be able to kick someone out of a band personally. I don't get why they're afraid of that. I'll write a journal after answering your VM and I'll probably tell about how I had enough courage today to teach someone a lesson. xD" I admit, I'm kinda... hm, let's say exhausted today, just because of that. If you've really read my whole journal, then you'll probably know that I hate arguments. I hate hate hate it T.T""

    Aaah, I didn't mean that you can't call me sweet! T.T I'd be flattered if you called me sweet, that I must admit. Nevertheless, it was about persons I don't know. Like on websites. The first message (!) you get from most of them: "Hey sweety, how're ya doin?" or something like that. .-." That's just too much for me. When someone I've talked to a long time (long means a few days if the messages are long ^^) calls me sweet, there is no problem.

    You... write fantasy. Just like me. That was the thing that impressed me most (after - of course - the thing you mentioned last, I'll come to that in a few minutes ^^). I enjoy reading and writing fantasy, although I have to admit that I don't like the normal fantasy novels. I'm currently reading one and I really found it good at the beginning. But... basically, it's all the same. :/ The same atmosphere, the same characters, the same stories... There is nothing special about them. The fantasy I like is modern fantasy. I can't name you any example, but I'll try to make a definition of "modern fantasy": Setting of a modern world with fantasy elements. Like a normal girl who.. erm, has a magical ability? Something like that, for example. ^^
    I also wrote a few books (yep, a few... I think I've finished.. 3 or 4 by now ^^) and they're basically all that. My first book was about a girl who... erm, wait a moment, I don't really remember now... omfg I forgot the story of my own book O_o" She... had visions. Visions of the boy she was in love with... she had to fight an evil vision of the boy she loved - that's it! =D" After all, it was my first book. ^^" The second was about angels of death. I liked that one most, to be honest. I even gave it to my aunt and asked her to read it. She read half-way through and she really liked it. She didn't say it was perfect, she just gave me a few tips of how to improve. But she said that I'd become better throughout the book. The third was more classic fantasy. It was about a... kingdom which was terrorized by the brother of a knight of that kingdom. It's mostly a story of the fight against the brother, but with a few conspiracies and romantic stuff. I wrote it for a friend, actually. ^^ The fourth I'm writing currently. It's a kingdom again, but this time the protagonist has to fight an Empire. I think I was inspired by FFXII and FFVI for this one. I really enjoy writing it, because it's again full of twists, fantasy elements and such. ^^ ... did that even interest you? .-." I mean, I haven't talked about my books for quite a while now, because nobody was really interested in it. xD"

    I'll read the first chapter of your book on the weekend. Unfortunately I won't have time today. Hopefully I can read it tomorrow T..T I can't wait to read it... Maybe... I should print it out and read it in the train tomorrow morning! ^^

    So, now the last thing you mentioned. The instrument. Oh gosh, you are sooo~ asskicking. T_T" Finally someone who appreciates the bass. >_< I also play bass. I've played it for... three or four years now. I've still got the feeling that I'm a noob because I get thrown out of so much bands (okay, two, but that's still too much ^^"), but I love that instrument. <3
  6. There, I wrote a big long journal entry about my siblings. Now you should write a big long journal entry about yours
  7. I suppose I'm not always totally honest as per sometimes I won't say something. I think, "if they ask, then I will say." Which is basically lying... although if it is something timely and important, I will always come out and say something. The guy in the band didn't wanna man up and tell you himself, eh? I would probably corner him and demand an explanation, myself. And that dude on the forum... is it a confession as to why he's been behaving like he has, or is he just looking for sympathy? I'm always open to forgiveness, myself, if someone apologizes for something. Although if it's just for sympathy... that sounds like he's probably being a hypocrite, eh? He's gonna be all hardass, and then expect sympathy from others.

    Mostly, I'm just worried about being too familiar with someone-especially a girl. For example; you don't wanna be called "sweet." Crossed the line, there. I shall remember that. I'm glad you like writing back and forth with me, though

    I am the youngest in my family. The next youngest is six years older than me. So I am very much the "baby..." something I've been trying lately to get overcome.

    I've been mostly writing fantasy. In fact, that's pretty much all I've written. I wrote a whole book. Then I showed it to a friend... and after he read the first chapter, he was like, " want me to be your friend, or a critic?" and my spirits were a little crushed, even though others had like it, including a friend who had read it all the way through. That first book probably served best as a learning experience. I will probably rewrite it at some point.

    Right now... I've got writer's block on my second book. Or maybe just disinterest in the book in general. I keep forgetting about it, and every time I remember it, I'm like "I don't feel like writing right now." I do feel it's better, though; because the same friend read the first chapter and said it was much better, heh. Although I think the first 7 or 8 chapters are best of it so far, because I was really inspired when I first started writing it; wrote the first three chapters in a week, and it's tapered down to like a chapter every two or three months... If I'm lucky. I started it a year ago. My first chapter to it is on my deviantart page (I think that version was before my last revision, though... lots of "whilsts.")

    What instrument do you play, btw? And do you only listen to metal, or can you stomach some lighter stuff, too? (like punk or ska, which is what I'm mostly into.) I started learning the bass last year... then the friend I was borrowing it from asked for it back. I need to buy one... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  8. I must admit, I really appreciate the fact that you're honest with people. In the last few years I also started to be totally honest with everybody I knew. There may be a few lies I make (mostly because I don't want to hurt someone), but I really want to be honest. I started doing so because of my "real life" (I don't like that expression xD"), I got kicked around lots of times and it hurt not to know how the people really felt - they didn't tell me. Most of the time I got to know every detail of an argument through another person - who was not involved in it. Okay, now I think I got you confused. Let's take this example: A band I played in kicked me. The leader of the band didn't have enough courage to tell me so, so he let a classmate of mine tell me that I was kicked. .-." I don't know why, I can just speculate that I wasn't good enough. (It's always like this with my bands, to be honest. ^^")
    Through forums I learned a few things, too. Like how stupid mankind is. xD Seriously, just today in another forum I read a posting of someone who was kinda whiny. He always wants to be seen as the cool and evil guy, but then he tells everyone that he's been sooo~ depressive over the past 13 years and that he has to take medicine so that he can get his life right, etc. -..- I just don't get people sometimes. (Like yesterday, when I said "Oooh, I hate mankind!" loudly in my car although the window was open XD)

    There are actually people who get something like that in a negative way? ôô How's that possible? A compliment is a compliment, and as long as it's not meant sarcastically or ironically, there is no problem. (Although I must admit that I don't like men I don't know who call me "sweety" or such things when they first talk to me. <.<")
    I wouldn't call you "sweet", as I don't think that men are sweet (only handsome <3), but you're also a really nice person and as you can see - I love writing to you! ^^

    Hm, your family seems to be... quite like mine. I also have two brothers and one sister. Though I mostly mention one of my brothers, the one I like most. ^^ But I don't have a half-sister. So, if I may ask, are you the youngest, the oldest or inbetween? ^^ (I'm the youngest >3)

    Aaand another thing I wanted to ask for a long time now (actually, since I first read it): You want to publish a book. What kind of things do you write? ^^
    I currently try to get myself a bit of attention by writing stories for contests. Hopefully in a few days I'll get a message from one of those contests. They said they'll tell us who is in the final round at the end of August. And now it's the end of August, if I'm not completely retarded now. xP

    We have to thank the admins for expanding the maxium of VMs... this wouldn't be possible with just 1000 characters
  9. See, I've been here so long now, I'm used to most the regular members-at this internet level, anyway. So I feel comfortable saying much of the things I say around them. There are some things that I feel pretty risky about saying, but I figure that if I don't say it, probably no one else will. This is an attitude I've been adopting for real life as well, to help me get out of my shell. Actually, TFF has helped a lot in that aspect over the years. There is also to factor in my threshold for when I am fed up with something that annoys me. Once I am fed up, I don't care as much anymore, and am more likely to just speak my mind when po'ed. TFF in general passed that threshold a while ago; enough people were dicks. So when I see someone on here being a ****, a lot of times I get after them. Although I've decided to try and reign that in a little more, as of late. I may be more reserved in real life, but if someone asks me my opinion of something, I will still be honest with them.

    As for the whole calling you cute thing; I dunno, ha. I was just like, "I don't care, I'm gonna say it." I'm worried a lot about coming off as a weirdo or creep if I say something like that to a girl... but I've also passed up a lot of opportunities to say something like that in the past. You didn't seem like the type of person who would react negatively to it, anyway; you seemed like the kind of person who would react exactly the way that you did, and I'm glad, because I've really enjoyed talking and getting to know you; you seem like a really sweet, and honest, person

    Heh. I love my brother, too. Actually, I have two, and a sister. And a half sister who lives in Arizona. I'll probably write about them in a journal entry. I've also read your journal. I enjoy the way you describe things; very metaphorical. Don't like folk or techno music, eh? I like that stuff, but I also like everything. I loved your reaction to folk music, though Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  10. The internet is full of surprises today. xP I wouldn't have thought that YOU of all people here would be shy. You gave me the impression of a.. hm, how can I put it...? You seemed to be the person to say his opinion every time - not caring whom you're talking to. Like a person who'd probably tell his boss that he was an a..hole. And so I thought that you'd easily tell people what you think about them.
    I'm really shy, myself, I have to admit. For example, if we said that we'd meet in a café - I'd be there, but I probably wouldn't say much in the beginning. It's some kind of "testing the waters", as you put it. I don't know how much I can trust a person - even if I talked to him on the internet before.
    And it really takes long for me to say something like "I like you" or "You're cute" to a person I don't really know. ^^"

    Haha, I know exactly what you're talking about. -..- Not about TFF, but about forums in general. I've been smod of a forum for... now three years I think, and every time in summer all the other mods are getting lazy. O.o So there is much more work for me and sometimes I even think I'm the only one doing something.
    So it seems to be quite normal. By the way I also enjoyed forums more when I was younger. Must be due to our age. .,.

    Lastly, I read your journal and I was amused, to be honest. x3" Before you get your axe ready to cut me to pieces, here my explanation: I found myself in your journal. Not everything about it, but the basics. I really really loved the sentences your brother found out about your father - my father is exactly like yours. For example when he's missing something, a disc or some tools, it's always the kids. And when he finds out that he's been having it all the while he tries to forget the issue. He's never at fault. NEVER. -.- And I also love my mom. Mostly because she's a kind of model for me. I want to be like her - at least partly. And I like her more than I like my father. ^^"
    Although, the most important person in my family is my brother. <3

    Oh and one last comment: Long post FTW xP
  11. Heh heh, if I would've said that to your face, I probably would've looked to the ground immediately afterwards and blushed, too, ha. I'm a pretty shy person, myself. Or I would've just been like "I like you! You're CUTE!" and given you a big hug (at which point you'd probably be like "OMG WTF?!!" Heh.) Generally, it takes me a little while to get used to someone; how they talk, how they react to things. Test the waters. Unless you were hanging out with a bunch of my friends. Then I'd probably just be like "HEY!! You're a friend of a friend, so we're FRIENDS!" A nice thing I find about the internet is that it allows you to go over what you wrote so far, and decide if you're really going to "say" it (although I don't always take advantage of that lots of times when I should...)

    Yeah, I'm sarcastic a lot, too. Many of the things I accused Loco of, I'm guilty of, myself, ha (at least some of the time.) But back to that other thing from earlier: yeah, seems a lot more is being let slide lately. Moderators are getting more laid back about stuff, which can be good, or bad. On the one hand, conversations aren't restricted as much. On the other, spammy and flame-y posts can happen. TFF in general has been developing a very lazy and somewhat snarky attitude as of late, I think, which effects everybody. It was a lot more fun when I was younger... then again, I was younger. I think that's the key. I don't really know the answer, either.

    Thankee for the compliments on my picture, and have SO MUCH FUN ^^

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  12. Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately I can't handle compliments, so I don't know what to say. If you'd said that to me personally I most likely would have blushed immediately. xD

    Ah, Lococolt was the admin I saw a couple of times, too. ^^ And I don't see any problem in being sarcastic - I'm very sarcastic myself, sometimes. Mostly in those situation in which it isn't appropriate to be sarcastic. <.< But I need my time to open up enough to really say what I think straight forward. You'll probably recognize that I'll lose all of that shyness that seems to surround me like... hm, let's say fog. (Just because today I drove through some fog while it was still dark xD)
    Hmm... I just saw that there are pics of you in your profile... kehehhe, now I MUST check them out... >3
  13. I like you. You have a cute personality.

    Fuzz is "the leader of all leaders" here; the webmaster. He owns the site. Lococolt04 is the head forum administrator, I believe, although he is less active than he used to be. There also Merlin/Tech Support (he has two accounts) who I don't see around a lot anymore. And then there's Cain Highwind. Fuzz and Cain are both very friendly and approachable. Lococolt04 is also pretty friendly towards most people, although he can also be sarcastic, snarky and grumpy at times. Merlin... Heh. You'll probably see eventually. He's here to do his job, not make new friends, let's say (because he already has the people he's friends with, pretty much.) I gotta go back to work; maybe I'll comment on the other thing later. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  14. Ah, so who is actually the leader of all leaders here? I don't see many admins at all, to be honest. I noticed Fuzz and Cain Highwind so far... And I think another one. >_o But I'm not sure about that.

    It's not only younger members. :/ *looks around* << >> So, hopefully nobody of the persons I'll mention now will listen xD I already saw a few who are 17+ years old and still don't have an opinion (or don't express it). It surprised me, I must admit, that I was really afraid of entering the ID forum here. I thought that I had to have a good essay so that I'll be able to discuss there. You know, much thinking about it, how to write it, what to write, where to put my examples.. such things. Then I saw other people writing posts in ID after I did my first post there... And I thought: "So what? And you really thought about what you're writing?" - I know that there are rules, but I guess that the mods are too busy to keep track of all the members who post... let's say sh*t in there.

    But one thing is quite funny - spelling mistakes xD I saw quite a few up till now and most of them just made me laugh XD
  15. Heh. He doesn't post a whole lot. He's the assistant administrator of the site. You'll see him post something every once in a while, but I think he's busy a lot of the time. Busy with requests and such.

    Y'know, that's something I hear a lot lately; people on this site don't have their own opinions, or express them, anyway. I get defensive of it-the community in general, I think-because a lot of the time it is worded much more bluntly and disparagingly, but I have to admit it might be true. I think it's because a lot of these members are pretty young still, and don't consider whether what they're saying has been said times before in the thread already, or something like that. They don't got the "forum etiquette" down yet, but they'll learn! Maybe... (although I think that real life etiquette is important to hold onto-at least to some extent-as well, which is something some people seem to forget about...) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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