Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. But I can't!

    Did you watch the card trick video!?
  2. Know what, screw it. WATCH THEM NOW!
  3. Okay, bottomline is: Fatey is not in trouble, okay?
  4. It's spoony's word, look it up. Then why did you repeat yourself like you were talking about something else?

    Fate - Uh oh, I'm caught.
    Ralz - You didn't watch the videos? That's okay.
    Fate - Yeah, yeah... So, I'm caught...
    Ralz - Huh?
    Fate - I didn't watch your videos...
    Ralz - Didn't we just do this? ASSHAT!
  5. Yeah, and I said you were right! Asshat!? Pfft!
  6. That's what I just got done explaining, you ASSHAT!
  7. It means you found out I never listened to any of the songs!
  8. WHAAAAAT!? Answer the question!!!!
  9. Ralzy?
  10. Then what does "Uh oh, Fatey's busted!" mean?
  11. No, I wasn't worried!^^
  12. But seriously, it sounded like you were worried that I found out. Well, don't worry about that! But, you should really go and watch them.
  13. Yeah, I didn't watch any music videos... But I'm not grounded, so don't worry!^^
  14. So, your sister DIDN'T come in and yell at you, which your post insuinuated... You just... what I found out you didn't watch the videos? And now you're caught? Screw that! I though you were gonna be grounded for the day!
  15. I was too lazy to watch video, but you aren't!
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