Fine, I will. And... never mind, I'll just leave you be.
Then just... go away. Like everyone else, GO AWAY!
I can't take anymore of this.
Is she going to take away the computer next? HUH!? Is she going to send you to bed at 6!? IS she going to cut down your servings at dinner? Is she... evil!? Well, IS SHE!? Is she as evil as you make her out to be!?
Please, just stop...
How bad is the vacation? Does she force you to put away anything that could even draw interest? Please, you know nothing about how unfair things get.
Seeing as how everything I say is going to get twisted, I'll just stop.
Oh, boo hoo, the world centers completely around you doesn't it? Who cares that thousands of people are dying in Iraq, who cares that the world may be coming to an end? As long as Fate's little life is going well, then everything's fine!
Look, I'm already having a bad time on this crappy vacation, avoiding my sister and all. So this forum is the only means of reprieve for me. But if I can't find any here, then I'm pretty much trapped both ways...
Just leave me alone!
Hmm... whatever...
Oh, you're scared aren't you!? Scared of little ol' Ralz! Fine then, run away.
Just because I didn't... I'm sorry, I think I have to go for a little bit...
Why, cause you want to? Screw that, I'll stop when I WANT to stop, 'kay!? How could you not like Still Alive. HOW COULD YOU MOCK IT SO...? It was a masterpiece...
Can we please drop this whole music business? Please?