Cool! Feel free to post any game ideas you've had (Must be NON-COPYRIGHTED though.)
Sure thing. Though, I have little interest in RP's, I'm one for games. ^ ~
Glad you accepted my invitation! I thought you might have some unique ideas!
Cool! (Because, well, Ever seen Angel season 5? (Joss Wheadon))
Heya, thar! I'm great, just making some PSP wallpapers for use. =] (Wat? How can I die?)
Hey Fate!? How are you today? (In the real world, your character, as well as mine, is dead in Chronicles of Chaosthroph.)
Not bad.
A bit tired. ^ ^; I'm pushing too myself too hard. How about you?
Actually, can you go first instead? I have to make a birthday present for Meigumi and another friend of mine first. ^ ^;
ATTENTION! We got a job! From Elyon Demidias, I'm going to see if Meigumi has a base, nd let you go first!
Glad to hear it! BTW, we are deciding, should the group REALLY be Sig-ra, Currently Meigumi and I have voted yes, what do you think?
No homework, yay!
How are you today?
Slacking off, horribly. I'm suppose to be doing my reading now for tomorrow, so now I have to stay up till two to finish, before I can enjoy some free time. =P