Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

597 Visitor Messages

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  1. Cool! Feel free to post any game ideas you've had (Must be NON-COPYRIGHTED though.)
  2. Sure thing. Though, I have little interest in RP's, I'm one for games. ^ ~
  3. Glad you accepted my invitation! I thought you might have some unique ideas!
  4. Cool! (Because, well, Ever seen Angel season 5? (Joss Wheadon))
  5. Heya, thar! I'm great, just making some PSP wallpapers for use. =] (Wat? How can I die?)
  6. Hey Fate!? How are you today? (In the real world, your character, as well as mine, is dead in Chronicles of Chaosthroph.)
  7. Not bad.
  8. A bit tired. ^ ^; I'm pushing too myself too hard. How about you?
  9. 'Sup?
  10. Actually, can you go first instead? I have to make a birthday present for Meigumi and another friend of mine first. ^ ^;
  11. ATTENTION! We got a job!
    From Elyon Demidias, I'm going to see if Meigumi has a base, nd let you go first!
  12. Glad to hear it! BTW, we are deciding, should the group REALLY be Sig-ra, Currently Meigumi and I have voted yes, what do you think?
  13. No homework, yay!
  14. How are you today?
  15. Slacking off, horribly. I'm suppose to be doing my reading now for tomorrow, so now I have to stay up till two to finish, before I can enjoy some free time. =P
Showing Visitor Messages 346 to 360 of 597
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