*flies back in the door* Phew, thanks Ethan. But they're still behind us!
* turns around and picks up Larry * happy
AHH!!!! *gets thrown out the door and falls* Don't stop flying awayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
* steers into Al Bhed Air ship * woops
Ah, they're gaining! Quick, take the wheel, I'm going to try and fight back with our own cannons!
Hahaha We will be single yet a bit longer
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Ah! A Mega-Burst Cannon Version 68! That thing could take us down in a single shot! We've gotta move!!! *activates overdrive*
OMG * Stares at Rikku because they are side by side with us * Rikku is gonna blow us up shoot
I'm trying, I'm trying!
Hurry before we get caught
He has ANOTHER airship!? Oh, look! *sees Rikku and Yuna catching up on the other airship* FLY!!!!
Uhhhh he has Air Ship which he also loves Yuna so he is gonna let her and Rikku use it
Screw him, we gotta go! *takes off*