O.O!! Wow, I wish I had that kind of skill ^.^ I want to do something with children, so I want to become a teacher :3
I'm aiming for a Graphic Designer, and try to work for Disney.
Well, I still have a few years before I can even think about going XD Do you have any idea what you want to go for?
Yeah. I'm still thinking of how college will go.
T.T When you move out, it'll just be you and maybe some pet you buy. No parents to cook for you...It must be so lonely. I think I'll wait till I start and finish College before I find my own place. (I'll help with the bills and stuff )
Yeah, they pay my bills for awhile! Yeah, but actually leaving might be hard because you're leavcing a lot of love behind.
I know! I guess they just want to coddle you all to themselves till you move out....then they will complain when you don't visit every day -_-; But hey, you gotta love 'em! ^.^
Yeah, it get that a WHOLE lot. I just wish parents would realize I need "me time."
Basically >.< Most of the time I stay home, but there are a few times when I can't escape T.T
Yeah, but they pretty much tug you around with a chain, so you have no choice, huh?
-_-' I hate when parents do that >.< Mine always entice me with food, then I find out we have to go to 10 places before that >.<
Oh, we went everywhere and not just for food. It was really boring, but I still had to do it.
Did you have fun?
Okies! Have fun, and be safe! See ya! ^.^
Haha, yeah, she knows what she's talking about. Anyway, I'll have to break off now, my parents are telling me we're going out, so, see ya Silk!