I haven't played in so long... Yet I remembered that. xD Yeah, that's pretty good... So screw Roddick, Ilia does a good job on her own. o_O (I read a Wiki that in an ending of FD, she carries the Eye of Truth with her, so maybe she uses that to go from planet to planet and time zone to time zone?) Why isn't there a 4, 29, and 93? Did you internet slow down just now? oO
Looooooooooool, that's it! xD I've been playing far too much Disgaea. Watch the vid? Told you I could kill her in less than ten seconds. =D (Welch is presumably the most powerful if she can travel between time. xD) *shakes head* And, uh, the last number is a 95. =P
Force Sword? (Mostly inexperienced. Roddick was only a town patrol officer, not completely used to the outside world. Claude was a complete sword noobie, and Fayt only fought in simulators. Edge was a bit experienced though, but only in piloting. And I always wonder about Welch, too... o_O) o_O I didn't even realize what I did...
I think that was it? It's non-elemental, and it has a really nice ATK, too, so it's amazing. I know I used the Celebration Hymn, but everyone does, and Ilia isn't level 255. =3 (Not inexperienced, because she always has to remark on how they managed to defeat Gabriel but she's stronger. xD) Dear God, really? xD 11-23, get it now?
Laser Blade? oO Well then... (I wonder why she never tells any of the people she fights about how she keeps getting owned by a pack of fairly inexperienced teenagers. xD) Nothing, 11 is from randomness.
That's why I only use the Laser Blade. =D And here you go, I recorded a video: Ilia Gabriella Fate Pictures, Ilia Gabriella Fate Images, Ilia Gabriella Fate Photos, Ilia Gabriella Fate Videos - Video - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting But before looking at it, excuse the bad quality and rumbling: I only have two hands, so I had to hold the camera with my feet. xD Also, the tapping near the end is me pounding the X button. =P (Well, pretty much, yeah. xD But she gets a different look each game. =P) Wait, if you don't know, then what was the 11 from?
You're screwed if you come with an elemental blade, though. o_O (So, it's kinda the same character, but she never mentions her other battles?) Uh... 24?
That's why hack away with your sword. =D Few swipes and he's dead. =D You know, I'll just ignore the crap quality (because I'm not buying more cables to be able to record from my PSP) and record myself killing Gabriella with Ilia. =D (Ethereal Queen is the same as Iseria Queen, just different because it's Iseria in Japanese. Gabriella is basically Gabriel Celeste/Celesta but female. And the Queen and Gabriel are different.) Oh, yeah? One final two digit number. What is it?
Did you know the Final Boss absorbs an element? I forgot which, but that's totally cheap! Also, why should a weapon's elemental attribute completely change a character's elemental field? Even Roddick's Dragon Roar becomes elemental, its total BS. She CAN kill Gabriella with Galaxy. (You know... I've always wondered... Is Gabriella/Iseria Queen/Ethereal Queen the same person? Its always the same superboss Archangel-type enemy... But is it the same girl? I've always wondered that...) Age aside, take a close look... I swear he looks too old to be 12... o_O Oh... maybe it was 11?
It's worthless, because you just need a non-elemental weapon with decent ATK for Roddick: he still deals 9,999 damage regardless. No risk involved. She entered it when you said Mavelle could kill Gabriella with Galaxy. =D Nuh-uh. He looks nowhere near 15. xD No, no, no. it's always 23.
Its good for everything else, though. I've seen that thing as a final weapon a LOT. xD When did Ilia enter this equation? He looks totally 15... and sounds fifteen, too. o_O And the number is always 42.
That's only if you use the Souleater. But that thing is a worthless piece of crap if you use it for elemental purposes. =D But really, though, if we're talking about how quick a character can kill Gabriella, my Ilia took her down in less than ten second while I was tapping the X button. Leon looks 15? =0 It's always C!
Besides, you said you died sometimes because they are elemental... I don't know if Galaxy is elemental or not, but it hits on all sides. I bet Roddick's attack is only one-sided. I don't hate kid-aged characters, just kids who act and really FEEL like children. When we see Leon in Second Evolution, he looks like he's 15... o_O I remember that. I'd go "Aw, I can't remember any of this! Screw it. A. B. C. D. C. B. A. D. C. B. D. B. A. D. C. A. B..." Sometime when I see a series of answers going in a pattern, like A, B, C... I try to finish it if I don't know the answer.
Not, really, no. You just need to stick him in a couple boss battles and initiate some PA with him. I never used him in my party when I got my Roddick that SFT. He's the same age as Leon. Not trick question, but there are people who just go through and bubble in all B's or all C's to get it over with.