Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna have to say night Fate. I almost fell over in my chair, I'm so tired.
  2. The limit is 99,999, but Rush Combo damage is infinite.

    What the Flash thing?
  3. Is that why I could get so much HP quickly? And, I guess there's no 9999 damage limit, either? I don't know myself, I haven't been able to get it to work.
  4. I don't know how to enable Flash on my PSP; do you? But I've seen the video before, and yes, you get high stats. One of Edge's battle trophies requires you to deal 99,999 damage without a weapon.
  5. Haha. Anyway, I was looking on YouTube, and found this video about the Ethereal Queen... uh, do your stats really get that high?
    YouTube - Star Ocean 4 The Last Hope Ethereal Queen/Iseria Queen Battle
  6. I once waited six months for you to reply to me!
  7. Yeah, but not for a terribly long while. That's okay, I once waited three days for this one guy to respond to me!
  8. I never thought of that!

    Hey, you're awake? Great! I have to use my PSP now, so my parents won't know, so sorry for the long time and shortness of my replies.
  9. Hmm... I wonder if Ethereal is in any way derived from Ether.
  10. And tri-Ace always has the Ethereal Queen. I've killed so many of her...
  11. Only at the right times can I defeat the superbosses of games. I defeated Sephiroth in KH, I bested Ruby Weapon the non-cheap way, and defeated FFX's Nemesis. It wasn't easy, although that's just par for the course.
  12. Are you one?
  13. Yeah, but I guess that's reserved for the hardcore only.
  14. I think, but even Normal doesn't offer everything! The final mode does: They named it... Infinity Mode!
  15. Why? Is the end result usually deprived? I always start with Easy mode, because I can just paly again at a harder setting later. I don't wanna make something brand new too difficult to handle.
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