I'm just making something else. I can't get this song out of my heaaad. I must obey my conscious-self....... =A=
No, you can't have any chocobos in the titles of songs! *Wags finger*
Sure. xD I just feel like I gotta do something with the composer first.....chocobo.......
Meh, true, but at any rate. Should I take over the music? I think I have a good idea what I'm looking for (But I take it you want a "Happy Tune" for your theme?)
Unless if it's a funny battle event, then I don't have objections.
Meh, that's just how I felt Citezens of Chaosthrophs music should be. (And I simply can't imagine a "Lalalalalalaaaala" song during a battler O_o)
Actually, I'm trying to come up with the more happier tunes.... I'm not fond of gothic/metal. ^_^;
LOL, 'sall right, but I have a feeling it should be gothic/metal. I can do any gritty voicework neccessary!
I'm still sucking at composing music. >w< It's soo hard to put together everything at once~~ xD
Mesa doin GREAT!
Oh, hiiii there! 8D How do you do?
Hey Meig!
Not bad, actually. Everyone's working together~ :'D
Cool! So, what do you think of the idea for a CoC game?