Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

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  1. *world is gone, a small piece of land remains, but Ralz is still ZZZZZZing away...*

    Your hate can't stop the power of love!

    =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)

    Hmm? There's another one going around??? O__o
  2. Should I stop now....? *looks around*

    Love shall always be here!

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    You mean, that Fate....? o__o;
  3. *the world begins to crumble away and lava spews out from the loudness of the ZZZZZZZZZZZZs*

    Love will always defeat the darkness!

    Some guy named Fate. What a wierd name.
  4. *starts playing with Ralz's hair for no reason* =w=

    Eternal LOOOVEEEEEE! *epic pose* Begone, evil hate~

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    Umm, who's your neighbor anyway?
  5. *earth shattering ZZZZZZZZZZZZZs*

    I've been defeated by the power of love!!!!!!!!

    Fell in love with it. Gets her character perfectly right.

    Now go be a good boy, and rip off my neighbor's spine, okay? GOOD BOY!
  6. *pats Ralz's head some more* ,,^_^,,

    Nope, this world needs lots of happiness and love. >_<

    She nailed Lightning's personality....

    Yes you are~~~~

    Too much?

    The voice actress did a really good job with her, too.

    Who's my favourite demon dog!? YOU ARE!
  8. *pats head* ,,^_^,,


    :9 Or the person doing the voice is so good.

    Who's a good boy??? YOU ARE~~ Yes you are~~~

    A gift from the faeries!!!

    And it sounds like Squeenix seriously took the same recording and used it again.

    *hounds bite off intruders' heads*
  10. Awwwww~~ How adorable~

    Selphie happy = Paradise?

    I believe so.

    *releases hounds*
  11. *Ralz is asleep on the floor*

    Yeah, but not Selphie happy, I hope. Oo

    I think about two noticeable times, to Hope and Fang.

    Release the hounds!!!
  12. *wakes up and looks at Ralz*

    There needs to be more happy people. >:\

    :9 She said it before, as if she said it a thousand times.

    Y-y-yes sir...
  13. *falls down*

    I know...

    I loved that line, and I had a feeling she'd say it, too.

    Get them, Smithers.
  14. *rolls away*

    Unlike someone we know.

    "He's too stubborn to die."

    Yessssss..... Excellent.......
  15. *falls to sleep from boredom of counting... ZZZZZZZZZZZZ...*

    Yeah, and she does know how to express emotions other than raging bitch mode.

    He's very strong like that, and apparently he survived an easily 100-foot drop. o__O

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