Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. That's a lot of nicknames for me... You forgot a few, though: at school, they call me Smart-mouth, Genius, and Know-It-All!
  2. What, you can't take a joke Faterz/Fatey/Fuzzle-Muffin/Asian/Fate?
  3. *reads* Fate might hear... That's pretty hard to miss...
  4. Only if you know what you're talking about, if not, then no.
  5. Everybody knows me by now, so that means my ideas are flawless?
  6. Of course, everyone knows you know what you're talking about.
  7. Anything's possible, but the will part - well, maybe?
  8. That's good. Make sure every idea can and WILL woo the crowd.
  9. ^^ And my idea seems to be getting some support.

    On a brighter subject, I'm only 400 VMs away from being Reigning VM Holder!^^
  10. There, it's done.
  11. Alright, but I'll think about it.
  12. It seems too cruel now. And it seems like a bad idea. Actually, I never needed the confirmation; I just wanted to make sure that we wouldn't be going two ways again and cause trouble within the club. You can start contributing now by commenting on the poll idea, you know? Actually, you should. Come on!^^
  13. What? But you were so entertwined with that idea! You got the confirm from Sheena, and most people didn't say against it. But, I'm starting to see why TFF Council is getting less active: no action. Sheena was right, if we think of it, we also have to DO it. But, how dare I say "we" when I, although an early member, have contributed absolutely nothing at all, and that's why I'm thinking about resigning myself.
  14. Now I think I should post against both the activity and the members limitation.
  15. I just hope she turns it all around and make things for the better.
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