Conversation Between Ralz and Ethan Blitzball King

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  1. *prepares to shoot the final goal! But Ethan blocks and goes for my goal. The score is 5-5 with one minute remaining! The two players fight for the final goal!*
  2. * Goes in for the final goal but is blocked by Larry *
  3. *whispers* So how did you get here?

    *crowds cheer*

    Uh-oh, we can't talk with this crowd here, they'll track you easily! Let's finish this match and find a quiet place to talk.
  4. O_O Larry keep it down I don't want them to know I am here
  5. Why, are they watching?
  6. <_<>_> Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh keep it down
  7. I was going to win this tournament so I could win the airship and go find you! How did you escape Rikku and Yuna?
  8. I am the Blitzball king every blitzer knows I am here Larry what are you doing here????
  9. *gets through most of the tournament. Onto the final round!*

    My opponent is... "Strike of Ethan." Huh... must be a coincidence.

    *ethan comes out with a tough-looking team*

  10. Oh hey Larry glad you could make it I need 1 more person on my team
  11. Something tells me I should go to Luca!

    *goes off to Luca, notices a Blitzball tournament taking place*

    Man, if only Ethan were here... The prize is an exclusive airship... WAIT, that's it! I'll win the tournament and fly after Ethan!

    *enters the tournament*
  12. ( From Above ) Ethan is in Luca Larry
  13. *eats at the diner*

    That was delicious. Now to find Ethan!

    *goes off in the direction of the airship smoke*
  14. ( From Above ) No not that way larry
  15. I'm coming to save you, Ethan!

    *gets up and walks around*

    Now... where am I? Looks like they got away... Hm... That way!

    *goes off towards a town*
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