Conversation Between Ralz and SilkAngel

428 Visitor Messages

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  1. Now that I think about it, yes XD I hope the movie industry will pick up by the end of the year T.T
  2. There are good games but bad movies, ironic?
  3. I like Devil May Cry, FFIX, FFVII, Wild Arms etc... ^.^
  4. I have several. Of course Kingdom Hearts is on the list, alongside FFX, FFVI, FFIV anf Chrono Trigger, to name a few.
  5. Heh, that's the way to do stuff! *high five* What's your favorite game...(Don't say what I think you are about to)
  6. Nope. I can't remember, I think my dad once watched it. I was probably in the other room, playing games!
  7. I've never seen it. Maybe I'll go rent it sometime!
    Oh! Have you seen Hannibal?
  8. Yeah, and I also liked that Corpse Bride movie.
  9. ...I liked The Nightmare Before Christmas. I would always watch it when I was younger, so it feels kinda nostalgic ^.^
  10. But I still love Tim Burton. He makes such good films. I especially loved his Sleepy Hollow.
  11. Then once he was in your mind, he will watch EVERYTHING you do...O.O
  12. Ahh! It's almost as if Tim Burton was thinking of ways to really get inside the minds of people.
  13. They did that just to aggravate you. Creepy people like to see other people mad. (They were WATCHING you...) XD
  14. I guess there's no fixing it, but it always used to bother me. What were you going to say! Come on!
  15. Cesar Romero?
    I would be freaking out there XD "And I..." (Me:"WHAT?!?! What were you going to say?!?!") I do that sometimes.
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