Well, I did it. But... you might wanna be careful how many you consume... Two at the most, and any more beyond that could... well, it means bad things for your body. I've heard stories of people losing control of their nerves and sudden blackouts. Creepy stuff, man.
But you need water! I once swallow four at a time!^^
I'm able to swallow one without any water! ^^
I hate the nasty cold medicine. I prefer the tablet thingies better.
You should take it everyday! Nasty as it may be, you almost need it.
The other forum; I stole it from there. I already took some medicine, and I guess that's why it's getting better now.
Who? Anyway, I don't think there are any cures for the common cold besides medicine and waiting it out.
Oh, I stole it from SF!
That's hiccups, too. BTW, I like your new thread.
I heard if you scare someone with a cold, they'll stop!
I once heard this stupid thing. You stand upside down for five minutes and try to drink water... of wait that's hiccups, sorry! ^^ I could only say to wait it out.
I heard raw honey helps sooth the throat from coughing, but I don't have any in my house. And tea, but I don't have that in the house, either.
Well, the more sick you get, the better an immunity you build up for it.
I've had the flu so many times before that I guess my body just got used to it by now.
Good, good. In that case, I'd say it's about over. The coughing is the last stage of the common cold, so... you're in for the clear now! ^^