Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

  1. That's what I said! Ever wondered what happened to the H in AFV?
  2. Interesting, kinda like AFV.
  3. Wow! Speaking of which, there's a video that Unknown Entity linked me to in our convo called You've Been Framed. Check it out; it's funny!
  4. Funnier than the kangaroo.
  5. Funnier than the bird?
  6. Well, watch it tomorrow, then. It's funny stuff, I guarantee!
  7. It's late at night, so I have to be on my PSP to eliminate the light, and I can't enable Flash, so I can't see it!
  8. Can't believe you never played RCT... well, basically, it's like a Sims game, but you manage an amusement park. It's definitely fun, and there's plenty of fun things to do, like this:
    YouTube - Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Massacre
  9. No, what is it?
  10. Oh my god, you never played RCT?
  11. Ooh, where's that at?
  12. Yes, I've returned from the land of Roller Coaster Tycoon.
  13. Hey, found ya!
  14. Whoops, guess I got preoccupied.
  15. Ralzy! Dinner can't take that long! Don't stuff yourself!
Showing Visitor Messages 3166 to 3180 of 4705