Conversation Between Diyala and Zargabaath

314 Visitor Messages

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  1. I try to read everything written in English everywhere , but then many new words face me and I give up gettting the whole idea
    but If u ask about my text it would make u laugh , short stories for small kids or that one they read before sleeping , you now such spooky ones ^^
    and I honestly like reading poetry and particularly Modern American one is so simple and easy to understand
  2. What books are your reading to improve your English comprehension?
  3. I see
    so you're a book worm ^^
    I like reading also and u can say I'm trying to focus on reading some English texts coz for me it is the most difficult skill that needs to be improved since English isn't my first language , reading novels in English is the most difficult either so I'm a beginner but I will try to be better through reading simple texts first
  4. I'm doing quite well. I finished anotehr book yesterday. My third in 10 days. These books have been 600 + pages long. I have yet to decide which book I'll read next; I have around 25 books to read. I read less once I got into college because I would normally read whenever there was free-time in class (high school) but in college there is hardly ever free-time.
  5. Hey ^^
    I did well in my exam and glaaaaaaaaad
    how are you ?
  6. sorry fo the late replay coz of egg-xams
    Nice , but for me there Isn't a particular type coz I read what my hand catches if it is dull I leave it but most of them are interesting so far ,
    now I 'm reading a philosophical one for Paulo kwelo , though I'm not too much in philosophy but the novel is brilliant really however since my exams are up I only read books of my course ^__^
    talk to you later I've got to go now to study
  7. HIMI!!!! Why you no show me love?!!! What does a hippo have that I don't? Why don't you look into my eyes when we talk. :'(
  8. What type of novels?

    I tend to read fantasy novels; I'll sometimes read science-fiction and some philosophy. I very rarely read any fiction that takes place on Earth - anything grounded in reality - the reason behind this is because I live in reality and I don't want to read something that is taking place in "reality".
  9. I like reading novels and you?
  10. I was just wondering if it is any particular reason.

    What do you like t o read?
  11. because I like to make friends with people and everyone seems to me friendly ...sorry but why you ask??
  12. Why was I chosen to be one of your "friends"?
  13. Hi, Hi , Hi!
  14. Hey. Hey. Hey.
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